Radical Candor: How to Challenge People without Being a Jerk

Radical Candor made simple: an intro guide.

Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture


Pic by evencake — licensed via AdobePhoto

“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
— Harvey S. Firestone

Feedback is the best gift we can get. Without other people’s perspectives and input, we can’t uncover our blind spots and grow

Unfortunately, jerks surprise their teams but for the wrong reason. Rather than providing actionable input, employees feel confused and disappointed.

The most important thing a boss can do is to focus on guidance. To give it, encourage it, and receive it.

Radical Candor is a simple tool to ensure people receive the right kind of guidance. Honest but also human.

This post is an intro guide to Radical Candor: what is, what is not, why it matters, how to get started, and key watch-outs.

What is Radical Candor?

Radical Candor means challenging people directly while also showing that you care about them personally.

Radically candid criticism is both clear and kind. You don’t soften the truth but don’t want to hurt the person either.



Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture

For latest stories, subscribe: https://gustavorazzetti.substack.com I help teams have courageous conversations. Author of Remote, Not Distant