What American Men Don’t Know

Guys Nightlife
3 min readAug 14, 2016


OK, this title is a bit misleading. First off it isn’t just American men, it is any guy in a first world feminist country. Secondly, they know part of it, they may even know all of it, they just don’t want to fully accept it.

Dating in the western world has become so much harder for me then it needs to be. Women have ALL THE POWER now, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Lets quickly look at two example dates, the first will be a date in the western world, the second a date for a westerner who has moved abroad.

Dating In The Western World

In the western world a man will have to pick a great date spot, and it better not be cheap. You better be taking her somewhere nice to show this little princess a good time.

Then you better dress very nice, she will be judging every piece of clothing that you wear. You better also have perfect hair, your nails cut right, and be looking as good as you possibly can.

Then you better be on your A game throughout the night, cracking jokes but not being corny. Complimenting her but not to much. Asking questions and listening to her talk about herself for hours, because she is a big deal.

Every time you speak she will break down every word you say like she is a district attorney. Make one little mistake and you are going home to never hear from her again.

Don’t pick the right restaurant, don’t wear the right clothes, say one thing she doesn’t like and it is over. Have fun with that.

Dating In Other Countries

Now lets take a look at what is is like dating in other countries. Just the fact that you are a foreigner has now raised your value so much that you can approach women you never would have dreamed of out west.

There is a curiosity factor that instantly opens up doors that never would have been opened before. Or you can just hop online where there are going to be so many girls that want to experiment with a foreigner.

In many cases these girls are going to be shy to be seen in public with a foreigner, in those times you can get the first date at your home. Or you can just set up a date at any restaurant or coffee shop nearby.

They won’t judge your clothes, they won’t judge the restaurant, the only thing they will judge is if you are nice and if they feel comfortable around you.

Imagine that, not having to spend the entire night trying to impress them. Just be yourself and be nice and you get what you came for.

Invite them to your place to watch a movie or listen to music. Chat a bit when you get there and remain a gentleman. The funny thing is in other countries as a foreigner the friend zone is actually a great place to be, in the western world it is the worst.

After you have been a gentleman for a bit go in for a kiss. They may shoot down the first attempt to not look like a slut, wait 5 more minutes and try again and they will probably be more receptive.

I Don’t Hate Women

While I do think some feminists have gone a bit overboard I totally respect women. They deserve to be paid as much as men if they can do the same job, people are people.

I really don’t even have a problem with them being so much harder to date in the western world. They realize they are at an advantage and are playing it, I would do the same.

But you only get one life, and why spend it trying to ‘game’ some western girls that have you by the balls when you can hop on a plane and get the same thing so much easier.

Marriage is a trap that many guys are starting to avoid. The next thing that guys need to figure out is that dating western women is as well.

For more on this topic and many more check out GuysNightlife.

