“Don’t worry, God’s got this.”

Gwinnett Magazine
4 min readApr 25, 2016


We were so saddened to hear of Dawn’s passing on Aug. 28, and send our condolences to her family and friends. Over the years, we had the opportunity to feature Dawn in several Gwinnett Magazine photo shoots. When Dawn was involved, everybody had a great time. She had a way of bringing joy to every situation. Her feedback on that shoot day was the best — she proclaimed it one of the funnest experiences ever. I just loved hearing that!

This year, we photographed her again for our Heroes Project — and made her our cover girl. It was special again — everyone lit up when she was in the room. She lived her faith in a real, non-judgmental way that instantly put you at ease. When she told me about God, I believed every word. I loved talking with her, and admired her greatly. I’ll miss her.

When we interviewed her several months ago for this story, we were awed, but not surprised, at her courage, her attitude and her enduring faith. We’re so grateful to have captured her inspiring thoughts to share with everyone.

- David Greer, Executive Publisher

It’s often said that things happen for a reason. Sugar Hill resident Dawn Gober is inclined to agree, but doesn’t believe in coincidence. She doesn’t put much stock in the concept of karma, either. As she says, God’s got this.

There’s no doubt in her mind that God’s hand orchestrates every moment we have — sorrowful as well as joyful — and that things happen exactly as intended.

It’s all part of the plan. And the particulars of her cancer diagnosis last October don’t concern her — even knowing what type of cancer she has. The active 60-year-old’s left knee inexplicably gave out on the tennis court on the first Sunday of October 2015, starting her on a two-week search for a diagnosis that ended in the emergency room for what was thought to be a possible blood clot. But the tears in her doctor’s eyes told a different story.

She left the details to her son, Tommy, and daughter, Lindsay Davis, however. She didn’t want to be burdened with negative thoughts.

“I didn’t want to know a whole lot. I didn’t want clutter between me and my faith,” Gober said.

An aggressive treatment regimen soon began which would put her out of commission as broker and co-owner of RE/MAX Five Star. But back in August, several weeks before the fateful tennis match, Gober made plans to bring realtor Justine Parker into the agency — starting work on the first Monday in October.

Another agent passed his broker’s test and was ready to take the reins just about the time Gober received her diagnosis and her treatment took precedence over normal life and usual schedules.
Like clockwork.

“God’s timing was perfect. He already had a plan,” she said. “I’m a firm believer that anything that happens to us, God is going to use it in some way for our good and to bring Him the glory.”

Although Christmas wasn’t for several weeks, her beloved aunt brought a gift to the hospital: A photograph of Gober as a two-year-old, her father holding her up with his right hand. Unbeknownst to her aunt, that image proved prophetic for Gober when a friend who had fought cancer several years before brought her a page of scriptures. An unusual passage from the book of Psalms moved her to study the section further and it was there that she read: “I have set the Lord continuously before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Just as her father had held her in the old photograph. It was all part of the plan.

“God has spoken to me the whole time — through the timing of that picture, through that passage in scripture,” Gober said.

While receiving her first chemotherapy treatment, Gober experienced a wonderful comfort she finds hard to describe. A peace settled over her, quieting her fears and strengthening her resolve.

“When I was praying and when that chemo started going into my body, I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to the Lord. All I had was Him to depend on,” she said.

Buoyed by the spiritual strength of her Sunday School class at Sugar Hill Church, she found the support she needed.

“The love this class has for each other and how they meet so many needs of people throughout the year makes me so thankful to be a part of such a group of women,” Gober said. “Meals, chariot drivers to treatment, trips to the grocery store, cleaning my house — friends, family, Sunday school class, fellow realtors–so many I could not have made it through without.”

She is in remission, having had no treatments since the end of February. More scans wait for her a few months down the road, but she’s not worried.

“This means I have more time and I’m going to make the best of it,” she said.

But resigning herself to trust the Lord and follow Him wherever He leads — even if it means not surviving — doesn’t mean she’s giving up. Not by a long shot.

“I don’t want to die. I want God to heal me because I’m not done yet and I hope He feels I have more to do. But if I am done, I’m good either way,” she said, looking at pictures of her granddaughters, Kaylie Dawn and Kinley Joy. “I want to be here for them. I hope I can. I’m hoping that God will keep me around awhile.” She’s got plans to make, after all.

Originally published at Gwinnett Magazine.

