Divine Art … sublimed by the spirit of God

Karen Miller Williams🔶
2 min readMar 9, 2023


Recently a friend posted a picture that made me ponder that there are not enough words to describe the magnificence, the brilliance, the grandeur of the Divine Art. She commented “aww… what a way to state the unstateable. I hadn’t heard the term “divine art” and wow! That’s it. Brilliant!” It goes without saying that I was inspired to write about it.

Divine Art is everywhere, in everyone, in every moment. We may not see it but we are a direct reflection of the divine. It is our being in a constant state of reflection of serious thought that puts the blinders on. I have found the power of the sublime. The appreciation of beauty leads to spiritual growth. I take time to let my thoughts be sublimed by the spirit of God.

Sublime produces an overwhelming sense of awe. Let your thoughts be… let them go. Elevate to spiritual excellence. The path of least resistance is the sublime. For when you are sublimed by the spirit of God, you are taken aback… back home. As you witness the divine art which is found everywhere… breathtaking vistas, a newborn baby, starry nights, thunderstorms, a delicious meal, your child’s laugh…then an uplifting emotion, a wonderful quality that affects you deeply takes over.

These moments may seem far away and infrequent at times but sublime is waiting for you to catch a glimpse… waiting for the eyes to see what is there already. Divine Art surrounds and embodies. It is all encompassing. Remember to seek and to relax into what is there. There is nothing like being there. But a close second is seeing the beauty everywhere. In a photo, a movie, a friend’s story or a good book. In a gathering, a meal, a performance, a game, or a quiet moment alone. In a thought, a remembrance, a dream or a plan. In a feeling, a tender touch, a cool breeze, a sway to the rhythm, a hum to a song. In you. In me. In everyone.

Divine Art does not repeat itself. You will not ever have the same day. You are not a groundhog. You may think you are on repeat but it is only in your mind. Think about the sublime plan. Let your thoughts be sublimed by the spirit of God. Look that a way… away from your thoughts.

Enjoy… Enter Joy…



Karen Miller Williams🔶

Human BEING,writer,photographer,artist,singer,nature lover,retired nurse