Ryan Wiggains
2 min readApr 22, 2016

HCG Ultra Diet Drops are a weight loss aid that contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.

This powerful diet aid is made by Ultra6 Nutrition and is convenient and easy to take.

Users simply place a few drops of the solution under their tongue, wait for ten seconds, and then swallow the liquid. The HCG in the drops acts as an appetite suppressant, making it easier for you to stick to your diet.

Do HCG Ultra Diet Drops Work?

HCG is known to be a powerful appetite suppressant, and if it is combined with a low calorie diet (which should, in theory, be a natural result of a reduced appetite) then it will result in weight loss.

HCG is usually taken with Vitamin B12, which helps to improve your energy levels and circulation.

One risk of taking HCG and following a very low calorie diet is that you may eat so little that you end up not getting enough of certain essential nutrients.

This risk can be mitigated through further vitamin supplementation, and education about good nutrition.

There are no known serious side effects of taking HCG. Some people do experience headaches and constipation, but these side effects are minor and easy to treat. Most people find that the side effects go away after a week or so of taking the drops.

HCG Ultra Diet Drops are an effective weight loss aid, but you will need to learn how to follow a sustainable healthy diet to keep the weigh off.

A typical course of HCG drops is 30 to 60 days. Once you stop taking the drops your appetite will increase again, although possibly not to the same level, so you will need to take care not to gain the weight back when you return to your normal eating habits.

To learn more about HCG Diet diet watch this video, where Dr OZ goes into details about how this diet affects our bodies:

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBQfXaebqRY[/embedyt]

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HCG Ultra Diet Drops Side Effects and BenefitsHCG ultra diet drops is produced using natural ingredients, and there are not many scientific studies done on the subject of side effects of the product. However a well balanced meal should be consumed to avoid any nutritional deficiencies while on the HCG ultra diet drops.

Post source here: Do HCG Ultra Diet Drops Work?

Ryan Wiggains

Hello, my name is Ryan and I’m a nutritional expert and blogger for the site www.hcgultrareport.com, where you can discover details on diet supplements