3 min readOct 22, 2018


Review of week 40–42

What happened in the HERO sphere?

At this time of the year every HERO has set his full focus on the upcoming mainnet launch. Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide… may be a catchy song by the Fugees, but of course not a good inspiration for bringing an iGaming product to the Ethereum mainnet 😅

Bad luck

A lot of work and effort went into preparing everything for our last closed beta wave on the Ropsten testnet. Our internal tests went smooth, thus we are very satisfied with the progress. Unfortunately, we had bad luck, as Ethereum released its Constantinople update on the Ropsten testnet last week. Constantinople is a big step toward making Ethereum run a proof-of-stake consensus. The update has the goal to improve the networks efficiency, apart from drastically enhancing the user experience for both developers and end-users. The bad thing is that the update resulted in Ropsten being unstable due to a consensus issue. This means as much as that miners failed to upgrade their software. As of press time, the Ropsten testnet is still frozen, with developers actively working to straighten everything up, it is HEROs highest priority to continue testing. We don’t know how long Ropsten will be unusable, thus we are also considering to switch to an alternative testnet. We will let you know how everything worked out in two weeks!

Transaction costs

As you may have noticed from previous sprint updates, an important topic for as a platform are transaction costs. Although our devs managed to reduce contest creation costs up to -25%, much bigger savings can be made by reducing buy-in and pay-out transaction costs. We pay for every user, thus there is a lot of potential which will result in an enhanced financial situation for the HERO brand. Unfortunately, we still have not found an efficient way to achieve this goal, which is not big of a problem since we are following very promising leads.

Fantasy for LoL

We have good news for our League of Legends lovers, since we successfully implemented fantasy for LoL on, which will be live with the next patch update.

Bug fixing& enhancement

The HEROcoin watcher did not handle the general reward as planned, without going into detail what the reasons were, it has been fixed.

A coherent issue which was caused by the HEROcoin watcher, was the wallet balance on After a contest finished, a wrong wallet balance was depicted. Since the watcher works as wanted now, the balance is also shown correct.

Two sprints ago we implemented a bridge between our backend system and our esports data provider abios, called Varnish. It has the purpose to handle the communication in both directions. By querying all needed information for us, Varnish makes sure that we don’t spam abios too much and consequently get banned for a certain period of time. Our dev team enhanced the performance of Varnish, resulting in faster communication & data inflow.

Password reset on works correctly now. Two unintentional bars which found their way into our password reset bar were deleted.

A sneaky beta tester managed to give an allowance through our API, instead of going through our KYC process. A problem was caused, which made the PLAY wallet creation button to disappear. The user was not able to do KYC and join contests. This is no longer possible.

Unbounced landing pages and registration through them works fine, although UTM tags were not correctly forwarded to, so with this issue fixed, we don’t lose any data by redirecting people to our site.


If you have questions, feel like discussing anything or want to sign-up for news, pls get in contact on any of our channels:

HEROcoin: (newsletter sign-up right there too)
FB Herosphere:


