4 min readAug 28, 2018


Review of Week 32–34

The dev scrum sprints last 2 weeks. Each sprint delivers updates for Here you find the details of the sprint that currently goes live — week 32–34:

Terms & Conditions

The handling and acceptance of our terms and conditions had to be reworked and notifications about new data privacy policy (dpp) and/or general terms & conditions (gtc) integrated.

This means updating static pages to get the text from backend, checking new flags in order to decide if GTC or DPP modal should be shown and updating modal in FE to show text from backend. As a user you will now have a pop-up (modal) informing you about an update, asking you to accept this.

Also the design of our terms and conditions layout got minor reworks and is handled smoother.

Contest pages

The start page was reworked and the big welcome message changed as well as images and sizes of the game selection boxes.

The contest ranking page got updated, resulting in a more elegant visualization of the top three contest performer. An bar now highlights individuals user rank, giving direct feedback about his/her results and position.

ranking page design update

Furthermore, a bug was fixed, so that the top 3 ranking now always displays the correct top three participants of the contest independently on which ranking page you are.


A major update affecting the general user experience on comes with the implementation and introduction of websockets. If you are interested on the technical part, read more here >> or watch here >>!

The participant count of a contest now is updated automatically, instead of having to refresh the site. Participating into a contest with PLAY now results in enhanced frontend feedback with “is pending”, enabling the user to know that his/her buy-in transaction is pending on the blockchain and the funds will be updated once the transaction has gone through.

The user no longer is required to refresh the website in order to receive live updates, the first use case being the user wallet balance. Once the balance changes, the displayed amount will adapt automatically.

What else?

  • Avatar and profile image appearence optimized
  • Bug fix for fantasy tabs (especially when there is no fantasy service)
  • Stability improvement by updating the procedure for productive bbs and parity
  • Improvement of Internal communication on new contest openings on the platform for marketing & communication purposes
  • Optimize handling of “in retrospective disqualified” teams within contests (investigate Data Provider, Database, Front-end)
  • CRM Integration and Improvements

User experience

Based on the feedback of BETA PLAY users and a lot of internal testing our UX/UI expert took the time this sprint to do some groundwork and completely rethink existing structures.

First step was to update the user flow chart:

With the users feedback this will now help to question some areas, cancel out steps and rearrange the flow.

Based on these, 2 main prototypes have evolved, that now will be evaluated. The main goal is to both significantly improve the contest handling and minimize the user effort. What we can already say with certainty:

The design of the starting page is redesigned, allowing users to jump right into contests, instead of having to select a specific game first. The contest, prediction & fantasy pages will be merged and redesigned, being more interactive:

  • Tournament information improvements (eg. built-in brackets to track tournament progress)
  • Enhanced filter options helping users to find the game/ series/ match they want to join
  • enhanced past/ current/ future contest visualization, giving a clear overview about all featured matches on the platform, also highlighting major tournaments
  • Improvements for individual information (my contests, my wallet etc.)
  • Invite friends
  • Better fantasy elements visualisation
  • A display of the currently playing team rosters
  • Map display for eg. CS:GO
  • Advanced color feedback

If you have questions or would like to discuss this, please get in touch.

We are active on any of those channels:





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