Top 3 fields to watch in 2018 cryptospace!
5 min readAug 22, 2018


An Interview with HEROcoin investor and journalist Ana.

We are devoting our new article series to YOU, our community. In “Voices from the Community” we want to feature people just like you who care about esports, cryptocurrencies, blockchain & fair gaming. Today’s article brings you the story of Ana.

Ana has over 10 years of experience in communications and marketing: in her portfolio are both traditional brands — Avon, SAP, DuPont, Evernote — and several blockchain startups. She has been involved in crypto since May 2017 and never stoped being fascinated about evolving tech’s potential. Currently she follows the market and chats about it at @coinjive and also works as a creative contributor at Future Times.

But now we will let Ana speak for herself.

Ana, could you introduce yourself?

As I like to describe myself, I am a happy person, driven and motivated by some great things like disruptive technologies, travelling, learning and doing something that scares me every consecutive week :)

Are you a gamer yourself and what fascinates you most about esports?

I can’t characterize myself as a true gamer, because I am striving to eliminate anything that might be too addictive to me. But of course, I remember the times when finishing Little Big Adventure 2 or beating someone in Mortal Kombat made me super proud. But I understand that gaming is a huge market, and it’s captivating to watch how all the emerging technologies are changing the landscape constantly. Could we imagine the possibilities of Augmented Reality just several years ago? This type of innovations can make gaming not only an entertainment but also a tool for skyrocketing education’s efficiency, solving social behavior problems and so on.

How did you hear about HERO in the first place?

At the time when HERO’s token sale event was happening, I was looking into every new ICO. Of course, it wasn’t possible to do proper research for all of the upcoming projects, that’s why I ended up with more than 300 different cryptos in my portfolio (I still can’t get rid from some of those :) ). I am not 100% sure anymore but most likely I stumbled upon the project using some of the major ICO trackers and then looked into them.

As an early investor during our ICO what is it that you found special about HERO compared to other projects?

I loved the fact that it was based on the existing business — so the founders have the real expertise, the proven track of records in the field and quite a considerable following. Also, the industry has vast potential and above all that I liked that HERO was about creating an infrastructure — where not one company benefits from running its business, but the whole bunch of other people.

What then convinced you to hold PLAY up until this day?

I wasn’t following the project very thoroughly, however, from where I am standing HERO has yet a lot to offer. From the very beginning, when the token sale was over (and the project didn’t raise as much funds as it could), the team was still following through with the roadmap, going from one impressive milestone to another. I was observing the founders chatting with the community on Telegram, handling all the criticism very professionally and calmly. That is very impressive for the cryptosphere in general and smaller / less hyped projects specifically. I can’t see the future, but I believe that with the same level of energy and determination it might be very well worth it holding PLAY and receiving dividends in the future.

We shouldn’t be having this conversation but it is still rare to be a female in the blockchain & cryptocurrency sphere. Have you encountered problems due to your gender?

NO. And I get really irritated when other females in the space raise this question. The piece of wisdom I’ve come up with while visiting range on conferences: If you have something valuable to say, nobody cares how many strippers are around during the networking event. If you don’t — you can try dressing like a stripper but people still won’t be paying too much attention, and you can’t blame them.

One of our investors just tattooed HEROcoin, what is the most crazy thing you did in life ;)?

I only do things that I want to. This approach apparently is very frowned upon. Therefore, for some, it might seem crazy. But I could not have cared less. Most of those things are related to dealing with people — like flying to another country to cheer up a girl whom you’ve seen three times within the course of 10 years (and somehow you feel connected to her) just because she seemed gloomy in her Facebook message (turned out it was a bright idea).

Not sure if it’s on the top of crazy things list — but it’s quite uncommon and I do this stuff with the annoying regularity.

What is the top advice you would give someone when it comes to investment decisions or projects to get involved with?

I think any investor should come up with the system of evaluating the project based on his or her areas of interests, morals, and principles. For instance, for me high level of business ethics is very important — therefore I evaluate the tone of management’s communication, their ability to stick to their words and meet the roadmap deadlines, fair tokens allocation among projects supporters and the team, etc. There are no golden rules here, any investment is a high-risk venture, but the more you looking into the new projects, the more skillful you become in identifying the better ones.

As a publisher on blockchain & cryptocurrency topics what’s your prediction of the market for 2018?

I wouldn’t call those predictions, but rather something I keep my eye on:

  1. Projects that are aiming to solve existing infrastructural problems with relevant background teams (scalability, cross-chain transactions, training blockchain workforce, etc.).
  2. Projects that have the potential to become an industry standard and ensure the blockchain mass adoption (e.g. universal wallets, universal payment system).
  3. Project in the “hot” popular among traditional investors fields (e.g., space travel, immortality and anti-aging, etc.).

..And potentially gaming on blockchain, once its fully regulated!

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