Vibes Speak Louder

Foluwahan Chukwujekwe
4 min readMay 9, 2024


I find inspiration to be a very interesting dynamic because it’s one of those things that you could be chasing passionately while it constantly eludes you like a love interest playing hard to get. Then, when you least expect, it hits you smack in the face (or brain, as the case may be). This was my story a few weeks ago as I sat quietly in a hair salon (which I have now vowed not to return to), hoping the vision for my next hairstyle would be well executed. The outcome of that session is a story for another day. Still, while making the hair, the main stylist said something that stuck with me and got me racing to my Notes app to jot down the idea for this piece.

She was talking to a colleague assisting with my hair about another colleague, saying she didn't like working with that person because of her vibe. She explained that the lady's vibe was sluggish, and instead of making the work faster, she seemed to infect her with that energy, and this interaction always affected their overall work rate. This conversation got me thinking about the concept of "feeding off energy".

I always thought it was a lazy excuse people gave when they wanted to blame others for their nonchalance. What do you mean by "I feed off energy?" So, you're just existing, waiting for someone else's vibe to dictate how you function or respond to a situation? Make it make sense! Well, it started to make sense to me a few weeks ago when I suddenly felt drained by a teammate's attitude towards a project we were working on. You know, the type where they procrastinate, then keep mute till you ask them about their deliverables only to come up with flimsy excuses for not doing their job. I was over it and just wanted to bail on the project, so when I heard this stylist talking about her colleague like that, I could totally relate. While I love teamwork and thrive in environments where everyone has a role and delegation is the order of the day, I'd rather be a one-man team than work with people who tire me out with their attitude to work.

On the flip side, boy do I love a functional team! I’m in quite a few right now. Sometimes, I just take time out to pray and wish my teammates well because it feels so good to work with people who are not only good at what they do but also dedicated to doing it well and making other people’s work easier or at least not more stressful than necessary. The work just flows, and goals are achieved faster and better. Who doesn’t love such a win-win situation? One thing about me is I never want to be the weak link. I don’t want to be the person delaying people’s work or taking the team back, which keeps me on my toes in such settings.

Let’s consider this concept in other contexts like friendships, relationships and family. I think we would also notice similarities. Imagine how tiring it is when you’re the only one contributing time and effort to make a friendship or relationship work and feel like others are being dragged along. This is where I often lag behind. I can think of a few friendships that went cold because I wasn’t forthcoming with the needed energy to sustain them on my part, and I’m willing to accept the blame. In fact, I recall a recent conversation with a friend on this subject matter, where I had to apologise and promise to do better.

I could easily attribute this laidback vibe to my introverted personality, but I've learnt that excuses are readily available escapes for the unaccountable. Plus, I'm trying to come out of my cosy shell to do more regarding social interactions and in-person communication. So, as I own my faults and work towards becoming a better friend and teammate, I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Have you lost interest in a friendship, relationship or project because you felt like your energy wasn't reciprocated or have you felt like you weren't giving enough to your team, friends or partner? How are you navigating these waters, and what tips do you have for this girl? I'm here for it all.

Till next time, beautiful one



Foluwahan Chukwujekwe

A multifaceted writer, editor and digital creator with over five years combined experience in Creative writing, Copywriting, Social Media and Content Marketing.