What if I document my thoughts on Medium?

Foluwahan Chukwujekwe
2 min readJan 4, 2024


Welcome to the ponderings of a writer dissatisfied with the current phase of her writing journey, where everything seems to revolve solely around work. Sit back as she reflects on the circumstances that led her to pursue writing in the first place. An escape! Writing was a solace where her introverted mind found expression like never before. It was where words became her friends (to listen to the inner workings of her mind), her toys (to distract her from reality), and eventually her tools (to create assets and value).

Writing was a world that accepted her as she was and presented her with multiple means of expression. Be it poetry, where she eulogised a new element of life she discovered from time to time, or prose, where she played with characters and kingdoms to her imagination's pleasure, or even essays, where her fire sparked the brightest, winning her a scholarship and earning her accolades among fellow students, teachers and lecturers alike. To think that all this was long before she ever fathomed that she could earn from this beautiful escape.

Now, she has settled well into this idea, but there's a yearning (an aching, really) for the simpler times when writing was but an escape. The concept of deadlines, content calendars and KPIs were non-existent, and writing was for expression, distraction and pleasure. But is she ready to return to that world, leaving behind the one she currently resides in? The simple answer is no. The more elaborate answer is that she needs to balance writing for work with writing as a passion.

Moving forward, she has chosen to strike this balance and set a realistic pace for herself as she does so. One question patrolling her mind as she arrives at this decision is, 'What if I document my thoughts on Medium?' Her response to this question explains why you are now glimpsing into her thought process and will continue to do so (if you wish). Yes, she will document her thoughts on Medium, and she hopes you will stick around for the ride. She also hopes her decision inspires someone to do what they are passionate about, even as they pursue other goals and journey through life.

Till next time, beautiful one.



Foluwahan Chukwujekwe

A multifaceted writer, editor and digital creator with over five years combined experience in Creative writing, Copywriting, Social Media and Content Marketing.