Knock Down Walls To Get The Body Of Your Dreams

Graham Hurst
2 min readJan 26, 2017


⚠️ Knock Down Your Walls ⚠️

❎ I’m big boned

❎ I’ve always been big

❎ I’ve a slow metabolism

❎ I’m addicted to sugar

❎ I couldn’t eat like that

❎ I don’t have time

❎ I don’t want to look like that

❎ Weight training will make me look manly

❎ My weight watchers advisor said I can’t do that

These are not reasons. These are excuses which act as huge barriers or walls, which make you fail before you even start.

Deep down you probably already know it.

Accepting the need to change is the first part, but change will not happen overnight.

In order to make it sustainable it has to be done slowly but being consistent is key.

You didn’t get to where you are overnight, and you are merely a result of your past decisions and lifestyle.

Yes there will be periods where you will feel you are going no-where, or even going backwards, but just trust the process and keep going.

There is no better time to start than right now, or, in 6 months time you will just be in the same boat, making the same excuses.

Everyone has problems, some people talk about them and complain, and others hit them head on!

Which one are you going to be?

Head over to my facebook page or follow me on instagram for more.

