Leading the Way: The Best Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams (CATT) in Melbourne, Australia

Harmony Home and Community Care
4 min readMay 9, 2024

Leading the Way: The Best Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams (CATT) in Melbourne, Australia

In the bustling metropolis of Melbourne, Australia, mental health support is a cornerstone of community well-being. At the forefront of this essential service are Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams (CATT), which provide rapid, expert intervention to individuals facing acute psychological distress. Among the various CATT teams in Melbourne, some stand out for their excellence in service delivery, innovation, and commitment to compassionate care. This article explores the characteristics and accomplishments of the best CATT teams in Melbourne, highlighting their contributions to mental health care in the region.

Understanding the Role of CATT Teams:

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams are specialized units within the mental health system tasked with responding to urgent mental health crises. Comprising a diverse array of professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and occupational therapists, these teams offer timely assessment, intervention, and support to individuals experiencing acute distress. Their mission is to stabilize the situation, ensure the safety of the individual, and facilitate access to appropriate mental health services.

Criteria for Excellence:

Several criteria distinguish the best CATT teams in Melbourne:

1. Responsiveness: A hallmark of excellence is the team’s ability to respond promptly to crisis situations, ensuring that individuals receive timely assistance when they need it most.

2. Clinical Expertise: The best CATT teams boast a highly skilled and knowledgeable staff with expertise in various areas of mental health, enabling them to provide comprehensive and effective interventions.

3. Collaborative Approach: Collaboration with other mental health services, emergency departments, and community organizations is essential for seamless care coordination and optimal outcomes.

4. Innovation: Leading CATT teams embrace innovation in service delivery, adopting evidence-based practices and leveraging technology to enhance the effectiveness of their interventions.

5. Compassionate Care: Above all, the best CATT teams prioritize compassionate, person-centered care, treating individuals with empathy, respect, and dignity throughout the crisis intervention process.

The Best CATT Teams in Melbourne:

1. Royal Melbourne Hospital CATT:

The CATT team at Royal Melbourne Hospital is renowned for its excellence in crisis intervention and mental health support. With a multidisciplinary staff comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses, they offer comprehensive assessments and interventions tailored to the needs of each individual. Their collaborative approach involves close coordination with emergency departments, community mental health services, and primary care providers, ensuring continuity of care for those in crisis.

2. Alfred Hospital Crisis and Assessment Treatment Team:

The CATT team at Alfred Hospital is recognized for its innovative approach to crisis intervention and treatment. They have implemented telehealth services to enhance accessibility and reach, providing virtual assessments and support to individuals in remote or underserved areas. This pioneering initiative has significantly expanded the team’s reach and improved access to timely mental health care for all Melburnians.

3. St. Vincent’s Hospital Mental Health Triage and Assessment Service:

St. Vincent’s Hospital CATT team is distinguished by its commitment to holistic, person-centered care. They prioritize the needs and preferences of each individual, offering a range of therapeutic interventions, including counseling, medication management, and psychosocial support. Their culturally sensitive approach ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds receive culturally competent care that respects their values and beliefs.

4. NorthWestern Mental Health — Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team:

NorthWestern Mental Health’s CATT team stands out for its dedication to community outreach and engagement. They collaborate with local organizations, schools, and community groups to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote help-seeking behaviors. Through education and advocacy, they strive to reduce stigma and increase access to mental health support services across Melbourne.

5. Eastern Health Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team:

The CATT team at Eastern Health is known for its exemplary clinical expertise and professionalism. Their staff undergo rigorous training and continuing education to stay abreast of the latest developments in mental health care. This commitment to excellence ensures that individuals receive evidence-based interventions that adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety.


In conclusion, the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams in Melbourne, Australia, play a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of individuals experiencing mental health crises. The best CATT teams exemplify excellence in service delivery, innovation, and compassionate care, setting the standard for mental health support in the region. Through their dedication and commitment, they continue to make a profound impact on the lives of those they serve, ensuring that help is always available to those in need.



Harmony Home and Community Care

Harmony Home and Community Care (HHACC) is registered NDIS service provider based in the Wyndham Council.