How Noise Cancelling Headphones Can Help You Boost Your Focus

Helping those of us who thrive in quiet places

Heather Hintze
3 min readMay 2, 2023
Photo by @elyaspasban from Unsplash

Have you ever been to a gym or coffee shop, and found it hard to stay focused on your task?

Do you struggle to concentrate with everyday household noises?

When you travel, do you find airports, planes, and trains loud and just wish you could turn the volume all the way down?

While some people thrive while working with external noise around them, others, like me, find it hard to focus and work.

Imagine being able to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life with just the flick of a switch.

Noise-cancelling headphones offer a little peace in an increasingly noisy world, allowing you to block out distractions and increase your focus and productivity.

For the longest time, I just thought that noise cancelling headphones were just over-hyped and expensive, until I tried out a pair a few years ago and I found that using them drastically improved my life, and now I can’t live without them.

Advantages of Noise Cancelling Headphones:

Improved Concentration and Reduced Stress

Whether you’re working, studying, travelling, or relaxing, noise cancelling headphones help block out the background noise and distractions, allowing you to stay focused and productive.

They also help with reducing stress from travelling, blocking out the city sounds on your public transit commute, noisy offices, and more.

Have Improved Sound Quality

They allow you to listen to music or audio at lower volumes because they block out external noise. This means that you can hear your audio more clearly and with better detail at lower volumes.

I noticed a large sound difference when I was just listening to my music with normal headphones or speakers compared to listening to the same music with my noise cancelling headphones. It really surprised me how much more detail I could pick up in both the lyrics and music.

Reduced Risk of Hearing Damage

By blocking out external noise, you can listen to audio at lower volumes, which can help protect your ears from hearing damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds. This helps protect your long-term hearing health.

Closing Thoughts:

Noise cancelling headphones can help you stay focused, reduce external sound distractions, give you better sound quality, and help protect your hearing.

I find them to be a lifesaver while travelling. Even with my $60 USD pair, it does an excellent job of reducing the airplane engine noise on flights, muffling airport chatter, and train travelling noises to manageable levels.

They also worked great when I was visiting my parents, who practically keep the TV on 24/7 and I needed to filter out the TV noise to get work done.

If you frequently find yourself in noisy environments or need to block out distractions to focus on tasks, noise cancelling headphones may be a worthwhile investment.

Do you use noise cancelling headphones? Do you have any brands that you like or recommend? What do you like the most about them?

If you have not used noise cancelling headphones, do you have an interest in trying them? What feature of them do you think you would most benefit from?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

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Heather Hintze

Writer & IT Professional sharing my knowledge to help you. IT Tips, personal development, travel tips & more. |She/Her|