“Pocong / Hantu Bungkus” The famous ghost urban legend in Indonesia and Malaysia

Sali Hartono
2 min readJan 20, 2024


You guys might know this…

I have watched a Disney cartoon-like Hotel Transilvania, and you know what the main character is? The Dracula, right?

Dracula is a kind of ghost that is a part of Romania's urban legend story. Am I trust about Dracula's existence? I will say YES. Why? Because it is an urban legend. And I respect that.

So let talk about “Pocong / Hantu Bungkus”.

Pocong (In Indonesia) in Hantu Bungkus (in Malaysia)

Pocong or Hantu Bungkus is same figure. Pocong is used in Indonesia and Hantu Bungkus is used in Malaysia. .

“The origin of Pocong / Hantu Bungkus”

Indonesia and Malaysia are countries where the majority of the population are Muslim. And if a person who is Muslim dies, they have burial treatment according to Al-Hadits.

The body is bathed and then shrouded. And it tied for 5 points. In the top of the head, in the neck, hands in the front of the navel, knee, and ankle. (you can see on pict)

The mandatory is when the body is put into the burrow, the top rope must be removed or loosened.

What happens if we do not loosen the top rope?

The person who dies will become a pocong or hantu bungkus and haunt many people. Also asking help for loosened the top rope in the head.

Pocong / Hantu bungkus power ?

If Dracula will looking for human blood, how about pocong? Pocong will ask to loosen the ropes.

But pocong will give terror to a lot people. Pocong / Hantu Bungkus can’t kill somebody. But they will make you on tremor, scared, and get fever.

For some case Pocong will spit and it will give the worst smell. Pocong doesn’t walk, they are flying.

For some people maybe laughing about Pocong / Hantu Bungkus. But what happen if pocong literally next to you

Do you have any urban legend story from ur country?

