Cryptography: A Beginner’s Guide

HODL Official
3 min readSep 14, 2023


In today’s digital age, the importance of securing information is paramount. As we transfer vast amounts of data across the internet daily, the need to protect it from unauthorized access is critical. This is where cryptography comes into play. But what exactly is cryptography, and why is it so essential? Let’s delve into this intriguing world.

What is Cryptography?

Cryptography, derived from the Greek words “kryptós” (hidden) and “gráphein” (to write), refers to the practice and study of techniques for secure communication. It ensures that the information being communicated can only be understood by the intended recipients and not by any potential eavesdroppers.

A Brief History of Cryptography

While the use of cryptography might seem a recent phenomenon given its role in modern technologies, it has ancient roots. Centuries ago, emperors, generals, and other leaders used ciphers and codes to protect their messages. For instance, the famous Caesar cipher, used by Julius Caesar, involved shifting letters of the alphabet by a fixed number.

Types of Cryptography

There are three primary types of cryptography:

  1. Symmetric Cryptography: Uses the same key for both encryption (converting readable data to an unreadable format) and decryption (converting it back to a readable format). The challenge is securely sharing and managing the key.
  2. Asymmetric Cryptography: Uses two related keys — a public key and a private key. The public key encrypts data, and the corresponding private key decrypts it. This method allows for secure communication without the need to share a secret key in advance.
  3. Hash Functions: These don’t use keys. Instead, they convert data into a fixed-size string of characters, which typically looks random. It’s computationally hard to revert the hash back to its original data, making hash functions crucial for verifying data integrity.

Why is Cryptography Important?

  1. Confidentiality: Ensures that only authorized parties can understand the information.
  2. Authentication: Validates the identity of the parties involved in communication.
  3. Integrity: Confirms that the information has not been altered during transmission.
  4. Non-repudiation: Ensures the sender cannot deny having sent the message.

Real-World Applications

  • Online Transactions: Cryptography secures credit card details and other sensitive information when you shop online or do online banking.
  • Emails: Secure email systems use cryptography to ensure that only the intended recipient can read the email content.
  • Digital Signatures: They confirm the identity of the sender and ensure the content hasn’t been changed.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Systems like Bitcoin rely heavily on cryptographic techniques to ensure secure and verifiable transactions.

Getting Started with Cryptography

For those interested in diving deeper, here’s a simple roadmap:

  1. Learn Basic Math: Familiarize yourself with the mathematical foundations of cryptography, such as modular arithmetic and prime numbers.
  2. Study Classical Ciphers: Understand the evolution of cryptography, starting with simple ciphers like Caesar and progressing to the more complicated ones like the Vigenère cipher.
  3. Explore Modern Cryptography: Dive into the concepts behind symmetric algorithms like AES and asymmetric algorithms like RSA.
  4. Practice: Try out cryptographic challenges online and utilize libraries like OpenSSL to get hands-on experience.


Cryptography is an exciting blend of mathematics, computer science, and security. As we rely more on digital means of communication and transaction, the importance of cryptography continues to rise. Whether you’re an individual seeking to understand how your information is protected online or an aspiring cryptographer, the world of cryptography offers challenges and discoveries at every turn.

*Article published by the team at HODL.



HODL Official

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