Chain Heroes | HPB Core Chain Wang Xiaoming: The Blockchain “Blue Lotus” for Dropout

Mike T
14 min readApr 18, 2018



Original 2018–04–18 Zhang Yao Chain Heroes

Author | Zhang Yao Interview | Lin Long

Source | Chain Heroes

HPB core chain founder and CEO Wang Xiaoming

On January 27, 2018, the famous “Li Ka-shing Knowledge Research Center” conference hall of Stanford University was packed with seats, and the Silicon Valley Blockchain Technology Forum was held there. More than 300 guests who came here especially to listen carefully to a Chinese on the stage. The English speech of a man in Zhejiang accent gave him applause. This speech did not have gorgeous rhetoric, no excessive modification, but it triggered a strong resonance of the audience. The man who gave the speech was not Ma Yun, but he also came from Zhejiang Province, China. He was Wang Xiaoming, a man who was not a standard Mandarin speaker, but he made the HPB core chain founder and CEO of blockchain technology super standard products.

Xiaoming Wang delivered a speech at Stanford University

Xiaoming Wang delivered a speech at Stanford University

In the blockchain technology community, there may not be many people who know Wang Xiaoming, but the ID “Blue Lotus” is familiar. As an early explorer of the global blockchain technology, Wang Xiaoming has been active for many years with the well-known ID “Blue Lotus” in the Babbitt website of China’s blockchain community. He is unobtrusive and unobtrusive in the industry. He is deeply committed to self-reliance and self-improvement. With the dream of blockchain technology, 72 professional articles were published, known as the “Zone of the Blockchain”.

This move has made this 80-year-old IT man a great influence on the blockchain technology circles both at home and abroad. Wang Xiaoming has been actively promoting the development of blockchain technology in the country. After four years of blockchain hardware and software technology products, it has accumulated The HPB core chain, which was founded in March 2017, was created in January 2018, six months after its launch, and created a myth of nearly 9 billion in market value of digital currency.

However, this blooming blockchain “Blue Lotus” did not have the experience of overseas students and high education background as a successful young IT entrepreneur before it was successful. It is just an ordinary one that cannot be ordinary.” Passerby”.

1FEntrepreneurs withdrawing from school

From now on, Wang Xiaoming is a serial entrepreneur and he realizes his ideals through continuous entrepreneurship.

In today’s science and technology, God-level figures such as Microsoft Bill Gates, Facebook Zuckerberg, Apple Jobs, Oracle Ellison and so have a similarity: have had a retirement experience.

Coincidentally, Wang Xiaoming is also the same.

Wang Xiaoming was born in Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province in 1982. He also founded the first company in life when he was a student at Xi’an University of Technology — In his own words, it is “the paper has come to a sense of shallowness.” The content of the teaching materials is far from what he wants to do, and is not grounded enough. Therefore, Wang Xiaoming chose to drop out of business in 2004 after two years.

Whether Wang Xiaoming had been scolded by his parents after leaving school was not known. However, when his company operated for a period of time, it did not lose money or even have profits. It is believed that the people around him, including his parents, are still admiring.

After leaving school, Wang Xiaoming, who specializes in computer science, worked as a website for classified navigation services, similar to 58 cities. For the first time, although the business performance is flat, the company can basically achieve revenue and expenditure and achieve profitability. However, for IT entrepreneurs who have Internet beliefs, Xi’an was not yet a city with enough attractiveness. There was no Internet gene and no IT counterpart.

Wang Xiaoming was in the office when he first established Shanghai Morning Eve Network

As a result, Wang Xiaoming decided to leave Xi’an and go to Shanghai, not far from his hometown of Pinghu, Zhejiang, two years after starting his business.

There is no doubt that Wang Xiaoming chose to continue to deepen the Internet industry, but what to do?Wang Xiaoming found that the Shanghai foreign trade export market in 2007 is still full of imagination and the market is very large, but basically no one is doing cross-border e-commerce. Immediately afterwards, Wang Xiaoming and several classmates co-founded Beitong, a cross-border e-commerce platform for foreign trade. They mainly exported goods. The sellers mainly sold Chinese products to foreign customers.

This business, Ma Yun’s Alibaba, began to infiltrate in 1999. Only Ali was only an information platform at that time and there was no capital exchange. Wang Xiaoming, they are different, initially involved cross-border settlement business.

Waiting for Alibaba to actually intervene in the settlement business was already a matter of 2008 and 2009. At that time, Ali launched an online trading tool called AliExpress, which was like Taobao, and could be settled directly.

However, the online settlement at that time was basically monopolized by giants such as PayPal, the high 3% fee, and various payment fraud risks. After thinking a lot of ways, Wang Xiaoming discovered something like bitcoin. For technical control, Bitcoin’s underlying technology was approved by him. It also solved the issue of fees, which was indeed a very good solution.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The immaturity of Bitcoin has made it difficult for large-scale commercialization, including the problem of commercialization.

For Wang Xiaoming, it is important to discover the New World and lay the groundwork for opening the blockchain world in the future. That year is 2012.

If the first company is just a water test for university students, then Beitong has let Wang Xiaoming witness how a company can start from scratch. At the age of 25, he was the company’s CTO, and the entire company quickly expanded from a team of two or three to more than 100 people in more than a year. In the entire concept of venture capital has not yet risen, Sequoia Capital has proposed to Raven million of financing, but Wang Xiaoming team believes that the valuation given by Redwood is too low and ultimately rejected.

Discover the New World and join the blockchain

In 2012, there was a strange phenomenon in the entire industry of foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce: The entire industry looks good, but there is not a particularly large company that has done so, including AliExpress, which has invested a lot of money and resources. Failed to enter the public view. The arrival of fakes and compliance issues also means that the industry has ushered in a bottleneck. At this time, Wang Xiaoming, who is curious about new things, has discovered big data.

The 2012 big data has just begun to sprout, and most people know little about it. At this time, UnionPay began planning to build a big data company. At that time, CUP chose to cooperate in the following way: it invested a part of itself and then introduced some teams and funds from outside. Such a joint venture was called UnionPay big data.

At that time, the participating team was very luxurious, including the elite who came back from Stanford and Google to participate in the company. Wang Xiaoming was one of the initiators.

It can be seen that the entrepreneurial experience of Beitong and CUP big data has played a role in paving the way for Wang Xiaoming’s future blockchain life. Because of the cross-border settlement, we learned about Bitcoin, and paid more attention to Bitcoin’s underlying technology blockchain. After experiencing the prosperity and development of CUP big data from obscure to household names, Wang Xiaoming firmly believes that the blockchain is a more disruptive technology. It is the darling of the world.

Whether it is cross-border e-commerce or big data, Wang Xiaoming is the kind of person who can always run ahead of the industry and seize the opportunity. For him, blockchain is such a new opportunity. At the end of 2013, after seeing the great potential of the blockchain technology, Wang Xiaoming left CUP big data, a rapidly growing industry, and set up a long-lived winter that few people knew at the time. Blockchain Technology Corporation.

After the end of the work of China UnionPay big data, Wang Xiaoming took part in the blockchain study with two teams who also do the same technology. In 2014, he registered Shanghai Asahi Network Technology Co., Ltd. and formally stepped into the gate of the blockchain. Began systematic deep-growing blockchain technology.

Rewrite history with technology

After the establishment of Shanghai Chaoxi Network, Wang Xiaoming and his team made many attempts.

Their idea is to start consulting first, mainly based on partial techniques, and through continuous popularization of science and technology, blockchain technology will lay a solid foundation in China.

In addition to consulting, Wang Xiaoming’s company later also worked with the bank to collaborate on blockchain-related projects. Because what I did before was a partial experimental project, there are still some distances from the ground, so Wang Xiaoming still wonders how to go this way. On the one hand, TO C’s business technology is not mature enough, on the other hand, TO B’s business breaks out. Sex is not strong enough. If you want to be big, there are many bottlenecks to be solved.

Wang Xiaoming came up with preliminary predictions that, as far as the blockchain was concerned, it was able to lead the industry, the model was clear, and it could be made into a certain scale, mainly in three aspects: one was a mining machine, the other was an exchange, and finally investment.

The current market shows that Wang Xiaoming’s original judgment was correct, and the three major areas of mining machinery, exchanges and investment have been intensively exploding in these two years.

As early as 2016, Wang Xiaoming officially laid out the hardware field, but at first he still stepped on a lot of pits. First of all, hardware investment is much bigger than software. Second, the hardware needs to have a strong supply chain. In fact, a miner actually needs suppliers ranging from tens to hundreds, and if the link time cannot keep up, it will easily cause the entire project time to be delayed. In the end, if the hardware is not done well, it may mean that the initial investment is at a loss.

This was the dilemma of the entire hardware industry at the time: There was no mature enough team and there was no way to solve it completely.

Wang Xiaoming finally realized that even if the miner does a good job, the underlying public-chain technology is immature, the unsolved performance problems, and the blockchain technology still cannot achieve large-scale landing applications, it means that there is no way to promote the transformation of the entire industry. If the technical problems are solved, it is not only the rewriting of their own life records, but also the rewriting of the entire industry.

Just because of Wang Xiaoming’s 2 years of pitting experience, he finally realized clearly that the public chain is the most meaningful project that can promote technological development in the current industry. He opened up his and his team’s technical accumulation for many years to the community because he believes that the blockchain is such an unselfish industry that everyone can contribute to. It is because of this that he loves this industry so much. The industry has the same characteristics as his values. As a result, Wang and his team formally marched toward the greater and more challenging business of the public chain.

On the sword public chain market

It is not an exaggeration to say that from the day it began to determine the layout of the public chain, Wang Xiaoming and his team are all looking for ways to solve the underlying infrastructure problems that limit the development of the blockchain industry.

The team study found that, on a global scale, improving the performance of the public chain is one of the most pressing issues of the moment. The current Internet system such as Taobao Shuang 11 has reached 330,000 pens per second, and the entire IoT system may be even higher in the future. For example, from the smart car involved too much interaction with big data may be millions or even tens of millions. However, the current status of the blockchain is bitcoin 7 pen/s, Ether 25 pen/s, and some other new system data can reach several thousand, which is already the peak of this industry.

In the past few years at the level of the public chain, several well-known corporate bosses around the world are seeking solutions. Different public chain projects have different solutions, but the public chains in the market are all based on software: EOS, DFINITY, Hashgraph and so on.

Because of the single network structure adopted by most public chains, it is difficult to become the infrastructure of the mainstream industry. Wang Xiaoming has always been engaged in software work, long-term study of blockchain technology, plus hardware manufacturing also accumulated experience, Wang Xiaoming and his team together proposed a unique solution: the combination of the two, in simple terms, Create a blockchain hardware and software architecture that includes a chip acceleration engine and a blockchain underlying platform.

After the HPB core chain was created, the early team took photos with overseas colleagues

Wang Xiaoming introduced that the HPB core chain has rapidly been accepted by the industry because of its three main characteristics of the underlying public chain. First, it has greatly improved the network concurrently. HPB accelerates through BOE technology, consensus algorithm, data compression, data encryption, etc. Technology implementation supports millions of users per second access. BOE technology, Blockchain Offload Engine, is a heterogeneous processing system that includes BOE hardware, BOE firmware, and matching architecture software. This heterogeneous processing system combines The FPGA/ASIC chip’s parallel processing capabilities enable high performance and high concurrency computational acceleration. The second is to embed a self-designed signature mechanism on the FPGA chip, which improves the speed of verifying the signature and can currently reach 30,000 pens per second.The TPS of Ethereum and Bitcoin is low, except for the size of the block and the speed of the block. It is also related to the signature speed. The third is to embed the entire HPB block and consensus mechanism on the chip.

HPB core chain BOE motherboard

Wang Xiaoming believes that the current survival rate of blockchain projects is a big problem. Since the introduction of the HPB core chain, there have been many stories in the global blockchain industry. This time, especially in August last year, it was a project all over the place. At that time, it was 90. More than % of the projects have disappeared, and the core chain of HPB can continue to develop steadily in the industry. The secret is to reject impetuousness and do practical things; talk less and use more technology.

Wang Xiaoming and some members of the team

Wang Xiaoming’s blockchain design goal is a million. According to the original plan, in March of this year, Wang Xiaoming has already been on the test chain, and the main chain will be launched again in June. In the layout of the main chain, but also in the layout of DAPP, Wang Xiaoming said: Two-pronged approach, we want to build is a perfect ecosystem based on high-performance public chain.

In the Spring Festival of 2018, the people discussed the blockchain and it was unprecedented. Each group went to the 3 o’clock group. People from all walks of life started the day after midnight and the media set up blockchain forums and recruitment websites to raise the blockchain talent price tag and report on relevant blockchain events.

The blockchain seems to have become famous overnight. Similarly, Wang Xiaoming is also insomniac.

However, as the earliest group of people in China’s contact with the blockchain, Wang Xiaoming, like his disrespectful character, did not express his opinions at this time. As in the past, he still chose to dig into technology.

For the persistence of technology, there are netizens like this evaluation Wang Xiaoming. He has more than ten years of experience in the development of financial big data and blockchain technology. He is also one of the founders of China UnionPay Big Data. These are not important, but the important thing is that he is the main player. The blockchain teaching video program “Ming” was published more than 50 times. It compiles the Chinese version of Ethereum’s official website document. As the main author, he compiled the “blockchain development guidebook” and inspired more people to participate in the research of blockchain technology. Promotion.

At present, Wang Xiaoming and his team are very clear about the orientation of overseas entities, international markets, technology-driven, and global orientation. Their commercial cooperation has been comprehensively laid out, and although it may take three years to actually have a mature system to support some of the more commercial applications, Wang Xiaoming is optimistic. In his opinion, the growth of technology depends not only on the technology itself, but also on the promotion of joint business, as long as there is excellent technology as the basis for the joint commercial landing, with excellent and distinctive operating model, three years is enough for him to build vibrant Ecology, enough to support the more internationalization of HPB, can lead the industry to change the world.

Nowadays, many blockchain supporters in China have compared the blockchain to the Internet that year. It is not so much a bubble. It is more willing to believe that it has revolutionary significance.

As a result, some people think that blockchain outstanding entrepreneurs such as Wang Xiaoming are the future Zhang Chaoyang, Li Yanhong, and Ding Lei. Their efforts every day are creating history. Fortunately, if you look carefully, we may be witnesses to this history.


* The content of this article is mainly based on the interview video or recording of the “Heroes of the Chain” on the interviewee. At the same time, it also refers to some Internet public reports. If there is any copyright liability, please contact the author himself.

* Articles posted by Heroes of the Chain comply with the copyright rules. If you need to reprint or use the name “Heroes of the Chain” to carry out various tasks, please contact us for formal authorization.

* Ms. Fu Bijie also contributed to this interview

Next notice

Zhao Wei

Oracle Chain Technology Founder/CEO

In 2011, he began accessing Bitcoin and became active in the blockchain community with the well-known ID “Harvey Wolf”. He has participated in a number of blockchain community projects (Peercoin, Factom, BitShares). The company’s founding European chain technology participated in the formulation of national blockchain technical standards and has submitted 39 blockchain invention patents.The “Link Dapp Series of Events” organized by the team nationwide actively promoted the use of smart contract applications. It has also released two major products, Oracle Chain, which provides data services for smart contracts, and PocketEOS, a Dapp mobile platform for ordinary users. At the same time, it recently announced its participation in the election of the EOS block-making node, and in the recent pre-vote of “Currency One”, the high-vote became the top five candidate for the EOS block.

Heroes of the Chain was produced by the Blockchain Technology Foundation of Singapore and the blockchain laboratory of Tsinghua University. It aims to record the heroes emerging in the history of blockchain development.

Producer/Editor: Lin Long

The main pen: Zhang Dongwei Mi Xiaoqiao Gong Qian Shaofeng Fang Gang

Consultant: Chen Wei Liu Ren

Editorial Committee: Du Hongchao Lin Xinglu Li Wei


