I’ve got that happy Friday feeling!

3 min readDec 12, 2014

HRBoss Weekly Internal Newsletter

Meanwhile in Japan…

Actor : Bernie
Plot and directing : Kumiko
Camera man : pentax and tripod!
Music : Sometimes from the movie Lost in translation
First video clip and editing: Shinjuko from above by Pak
Last video clip: from actual Lost in translation movie (from what Pak remembers, a road from shinjuku heading out of Tokyo)

Disclaimer: HRBoss does not serve or sell alcohol to persons under the age of 21 & no humans were harmed in the making of the video.

Baby, it’s cold outside ( in Shanghai )

HRBoss China #Selfie ( #Wefie?)

Wefie taker: Luwei (Thanks for the picture!)

Ahoy Matey!

On behalf of our Captain, Bernie Schiemer, & the rest of the HRBoss crew, welcome aboard! We look forward to working with you and making your HRBoss experience the very best…hold on tight and prepare to set sail!

Jerry Li | Enterprise Sector Director | China

Connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter or be our friends on Facebook!

Thanks Tannia for the update!~

Vietnam Team On Mission

*cues 007 music*

More photos to come from Vietnam office so watch this space!

5 Minutes With Jade

1. Describe HRBoss in 3 words.

Technology Transforms HR

2. Describe yourself in 2 words, the words have to begin with the first letter of your name.

Joyful, jolly Jade

3. If money was no object, what would you do?

Travel the world | Help the needy

4. Tell us a unique or quirky habit of yours/ or a funny story.

(Conversation with Bernie in elevator)

Bernie: Jade, what is your business?

Me: oh, we have 3 small stores selling durian products such as durian panna cotta, durian puff, etc …

Bernie: … so you were the one who brought durian into the office

Me: ah.. → changed the subject immediately

5. Take a picture of a special item on your work desk — what’s its significance?

6. Share with us a photo of yourself.

You look great Jade!

Thanks to Jade for sharing!~

Credits: Nhu

Thank you Nhu. Very creative!

Any ‘A-ha!’ moments lately?

Share your ideas at


Good ideas come when you least expect them.

Best Friday Dance GIF Found.

Shoutout to Eloise for sharing!~

Have an awesome weekend!

Team M




Asia's fastest growing tech startup specialising in HR & Recruiting software based in Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong & beyond.