Easing Emotional Traumas


Healing at The Speed of Thought ®

Emotions wrap you up in their overwhelming complexity. They take control of your mind, your well-being, and your health. Your mind struggles to understand, the seemingly unexplainable, lessons of life. And, although you know that you are in control, the physical response of your body is so real, it is hard to find the life buoy that will keep you afloat.

Emotions are one of our most unique features. The capacity to feel, to experience love, loss, gain and happiness is a true blessing. There is beauty even in moments of pain. For all pain stems from love and love is the core of all that we are. A being who is incapable of feeling this love, of expressing compassion, and accepting this blessing with gratitude is not truly alive.

There are, inevitably, moments when you would like to rip the heartfelt pain out your chest. Moments of distress, where the blessing seems more like a punishment and where you struggle to take back the reigns of your life. Some days, it may seem that you have no choice, but to watch your life crumble as you silently watch. Acknowledging that you are not in control of how life unfolds is hard. Accepting that it is not your responsibility to always be in control, is hope. There is strength in your feelings, there is courage in your tangled emotions, and there is growth in the bigger picture.

Easing your emotional traumas stems from your willingness to accept, to release and to heal. Allowing yourself to face even the most painful of experiences and understanding how to energetically shift the pain will enable you to look at your life events from a different perspective. And from a different perspective, you will discover serenity, gratitude, and the acceptance that will grant you ease, well-being and even joy. You cannot erase the things that happened to you, but you can release the hold they have on your life, and allow yourself to feel alive.

Imagine what it would feel like to take a deep breath and not feel heaviness in your chest.

Imagine that even in the midst of your pain, you could smile…

The H.T.S.O.T. ® self-healing technique will teach you how to heal and eliminate the pain of emotional trauma. It has limitless applications and once you have learned it you will be able to take full control of your life. You will feel the pain dissolve naturally as acceptance and understanding gently take its place.

HTSOT ® is securely founded on the scientific principles of energy and physics. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can although, be transformed and transferred. A practice you will learn in this simple and straightforward online course.

This Technique is for everyone. Anyone can benefit from is limitless application and it has been meticulously designed to easily be mastered. If you are looking for the ONE self-healing course that will change your life, THIS IS IT.

The HTSOT ® online SELF- Healing course with Peter Siskind is now available @ www.htsot.com

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HTSOT ® — Online Healing Course

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Healing At The Speed of Thought — H.T.S.O.T. ®

H.T.S.O.T. ® - Online Healing Course- Discover the First Healing Technique that Offers you the Limitless Art and Factual Reality of Self-Healing.