5 Affordable & Easy Home Hacks

5 Affordable & Easy Home Hacks

3 min readAug 13, 2017

As we’re near getting closer to September (and the weather’s taken a massive turn in that direction too soon), we’re thinking about all of you preparing to move into your new homes. So here are a few hacks to make your home feel like ‘home’:

Spruce up your desk tops

Fancy a trip to IKEA?

After you’re full up on meatballs, go ahead and purchase a pair of basic wooden IKEA magazine files.

Get some paint and contact paper, and with some creativity you will be able to transform these files into chic and artful desk accents.

See below for the finished product.

Make burnt saucepans like new

Okay we aren’t all master chefs, and after a while our pans start looking a bit worse for wear as more burnt food accumulates.

Don’t throw out the pan! With a quick fix it will be as good as new.

You will need white vinegar and some baking powder.

First, fill the pan with water and then add a cup of white vinegar. Gas hob on, and bring the vinegar to a boil. Take the pan off the stove and then add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Let it sit for a few seconds so the liquid can cool down and then simply wipe away the mixture.

No decent bluetooth speaker?

No worries we have you covered. There are a number of quick hacks to share music with your friends. First is to go for the classic phone in empty cup trick. Volume amplified.

If you want the music louder, you will need: a toilet roll, scissors, and two pins. (As demonstrated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBvSYRz81BA)

Spruce it up with some paint, go wild on your make-shift speaker.

Making things luxurious

Rather than making something out of nothing, here is a tip to help you make something plain into something luxurious.

All you’ll need is some marble contact paper.

Simply apply the paper onto pieces of furniture, for example a table:

But it’s not limited to just furniture, try it out on notebooks and boxes too.

Sort out your bills with HURU

Sometimes in small households people decide to take one bill each, but that always ends in one person paying more/less than others. Others might choose to open a joint bank account, but chasing a housemate for bills becomes passive and honestly just effort.

Don’t waste your time, and save your money by getting HURU to sort out your bills instead.

Quick and easy, get a free quote and go from there.


Originally published at Huru.




Some things are worth spending time on. Bills aren’t one of them. Find out more about who we are and what we do at www.gethuru.com