What Insurance Should I Get If I Live In A House Share?

3 min readJan 20, 2017


You’ve found a place, you’ve got the rent sorted, you’ve figured out who you’re going to move in with……, but wait there are still a few little admin things you should get sorted. One of them is insurance. Living in a shared house is going to be a lot of fun, but there is still the risk that your flat share or house share could get broken in to and you stuff could sadly get stolen.

So before you get stuck in with big group dinners, sharing your favourite TV shows and having a great time, take a quick minute to think about what insurance you might want to get.

Unfortunately not all insurers are good at giving cover to people living in house shares, but there are some specialists who do. So, do you research, have a quick look around, and see here what types of cover are best to suit you.

iphone insurance

Shared Contents Insurance:

This is great if you’ve got stuff you definitely care about, like that TV you bought in to the house, and will cover your deposit as well. This cover is specifically catered for house shares, and will include cover of a landlords fixtures and fittings as well. You can either insure; just your stuff, you and a partners belongings, or all residents in the shared property.

Student Possessions Insurance:

As it says on the tin, this could be great if you are a student. Often recommended by the NUS, student possessions insurance will cover the contents of your room, laptop and mobile. Some providers will offer great perks like laptop and mobile replacements if you need to claim them.

Gadget Insurance:

Laptops, iphones, androids, watches, ipads, ebooks, we all have loads and loads of devices. And none of us are that good at making sure they are kept somewhere secure. Getting Gadget Insurance is a great way to get often up to 10 gadgets on a single policy, and it can often be cheaper to cover your mobile that purchasing insurance through your mobile phone provider.

flat share insurance

Insurance, may be one of the less exciting aspects of moving in to a house share, but it could end up being one of the most important. That’s why we would recommend looking in to what policies are available to you and seeing if you should purchase one. Just like your utility bills, insurance is something you don’t want to spend your time worrying about, so sort it out today and spend more time doing what you love.

Originally published at Huru.




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