Published inCraytaCrayta Summer Jam 2020We’re super excited to be running our first game jam in Crayta this weekend!Aug 20, 2020Aug 20, 2020
Published inCraytaAccessing cosmetics in CraytaHow to get your hands on the most stylish cosmeticsJul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
Published inCraytaThe Dilemma of Running a Prize Fund vs Promoting and Supporting GamesAs we’ve already talked about at length, we’re thrilled to be in the position to provide a Monthly Prize Fund for our creators right from…Jul 3, 2020Jul 3, 2020
Published inCraytaIntroducing Crayta’s Premium and Deluxe EditionsPick your poison on 1st July 2020!Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Published inCraytaCrayta Devlog #6As usual it has been far too long since our most recent update. Since then, we’ve been to GDC, had one team member visit Japan to do some…Apr 12, 2019Apr 12, 2019
Published inCraytaCrayta Devlog #5As usual, time since the last devlog has flown by at a rate of knots. So, once again, we have a ton of new stuff to share with you!Mar 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019
Published inCraytaCrayta Devlog #4Lots of exciting new features in the update we pushed live a couple of days ago…Jan 24, 2019Jan 24, 2019
Published inCraytaCrayta Devlog #3A lot of the feedback we’ve had recently has been around the “writers’ block” problem — loading into an empty world is great if you know…Dec 17, 2018Dec 17, 2018
Published inCraytaCrayta Devlog #2It’s somehow been 4 weeks since our last devlog, and time has flown!Nov 7, 2018Nov 7, 2018