528 Hz

16 min readJan 11, 2023


528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

Benefits of the 528Hz frequency

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the 528Hz frequency can offer a wide range of benefits which include:

– improved sleep quality

– reduced stress and anxiety

– increased energy levels

– improved concentration and focus

– improved digestion

– reduced pain and inflammation

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

One of the Most Mysterious Solfeggio Frequencies 528Hz

528Hz frequency is believed to have profound effects on the body and mind. It is one of the most mysterious solfeggio frequencies which research has found to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Lets deep dive into it.

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

Since the early 1990s, a curious thing has been happening in the world of alternative health and healing. A new “frequency” has been gaining popularity as a potential cure-all for a wide range of conditions and ailments. This frequency is known as the “528Hz frequency”, and it is said to be part of a larger set of frequencies known as “Solfeggio frequencies”. These frequencies are said to have special healing properties, and the 528Hz frequency is said to be particularly effective for improving sleep quality and reducing stress. But what is the 528Hz frequency, really? And what is the evidence that it can actually help heal the body? In this article, we’ll take a look at what we know (and don’t know) about this curious phenomenon and this mysterious frequency.

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

What is the 528 Hz frequency?

The 528Hz frequency is one of the “Solfeggio frequencies”. These frequencies are a series of tones that were supposedly used in ancient Gregorian chants. These tones were said to have special healing properties, and the 528Hz frequency is said to be particularly effective and has been gaining popularity in recent years as a potential alternative therapy for a wide range of conditions.

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

What note is 528 Hz?

You can not play 528Hz frequency in the standard or concert tuning where A is tuned to 440Hz. To play 528Hz, you will first need to tune your instrument to A = 444Hz. Many DAWs and tuners give you ability to tune to a different reference frequency. Once you have tuned your instrument to 444Hz, playing note C will give you 528Hz frequency. If you are looking to compose music with this frequency, make C as the root note of your melody. Here are some of the popular music composed in 528Hz.

  1. John Lennon : Imagine
  2. Dreamscape for Positive Transformation
528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

The 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair
Solar Plexus Chakra Activation with the 528hz Frequency for Peace, Prosperity, and Mental Clarity
Decrease Your Volume Don’t Hurt Your Ears
Flow and Glow 👑😍💛528 hz Miracles and Transformation

One of The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies with their vibration (hz) and effect:

This frequency is often called the ‘love frequency’ because it draws a certain kind of a deep-rooted natural relationship with the surrounding nature. This frequency is found in almost everything, ranging from human DNA to chlorophyll. This is among the frequencies with proven health benefits and mathematical significance.

The vibrations made from the 528Hz resonate and connect with all the humanly things around all of us on a spiritual and material level. The 528 Hz can be described as a surpassing or superb example of something which can be called a marvel or a wonder. It can also be said to be an extraordinary happening, surpassing all human knowledge, powers, and natural forces; it can be referenced to a supernatural or divine cause like God. In the ancient world, the healers and priests from the very advanced civilizations used the 528Hz to bless, heal, and manifest miracles.

In the central double, the frequency will not be located inside directly, but, half of it will appear directly. Simply, from the half double, 528 will be the second tone following. When we integrate the 528 into the equally tempered scale composed of twelve artificial tones, then we say, “it’s the first tone.” It is, however, the 10th referenced frequency.

The question everyone asks is, “how will the frequency used in ancient civilization impact my life positively and currently?” “Or even the lives of other people?” There is a very close link between nature and the 528 Hz. For instance, the 528 Hz vibrations are utilized by chlorophyll, thereby allowing plants to draw some energy from natural light, which gives the leaves the green color. Bees are an essential aspect of insect-pollinated flowers. The bees pollinate the flowers by buzzing at a 528 Hz frequency. When we fall sick, we tend to take more greens, thanks to the 528 Hz frequency, chlorophyll is actually the most effective and powerful healing pigments. The breathable air is made up of 528 Hz. Oxygen is a carrier of the 528 Hz resonating electrons.

This frequency is very essential in water too. Our bodies are made up of almost 80% liquid. According to research, we all ail from the fundamental lack of love. The liquid crystal is a superconductor of light and sound, which transmits the love frequency, thereby providing us with a chance to heal. The 528 Hz can be used in water treatment. For instance, in the year 2010, after oil rigged into the Mexican Gulf, the 528 Hz and other kinds of Solfeggio frequencies cleared the water.

Generally, the ‘love’ frequency or the ‘miracle’ tone has numerous benefits coupled with some down lows. For instance, this frequency increases the absorption rate of UV light into a person’s DNA. On the other hand, the same frequency heals a person’s DNA by facilitating the removal of any impurities that can lead to disease or sickness. From the thoughts of different scholars, the 528 Hz frequency is about freedom, love, and peace. Modern-day music is also utilizing the 528 Hz in the twelve-tone equalization temperament scales, characterized by vibration limits. Hz


528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

Does 528Hz really work?

In 2017, researchers from Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics in University of Tehran, did a research on the effects of 528Hz frequency on human cells and found that frequency of 528 Hz increased cells viability about 20% and the level of ROS production was reduced up to 100%, and noted that 528Hz sound wave has shown some strange effects such as increasing the ability of repairing human DNA.

Another research carried out by Center for Advanced Kampo Medicine and Clinical Research in Tokyo, Japan, measured the effects of this frequency on the endocrine system and found that Tension-anxiety and Total Mood Disturbance scores were significantly reduced after exposure to 528 Hz music, while there was no significant difference following 440 Hz music.

Yet another research in 2018 found that sound waves with 528 Hz frequency in 100 dB intensity induce testosterone production in brain by enhancing StAR and SF-1 and reducing P450 aromatase gene expression. Furthermore, it also reduces total concentration of reactive oxidative species in brain tissue. Prolonged exposure to this sound wave showed reduction of anxiety related behaviours in animals

Links to the full research publications cited here are listed below

528Hz Music

When it comes to music and sound healing, you should always trust your ears and intuition. If you listen to something, and you find it healing, relaxing, soothing to ears and mind, then that’s the one for you.

Don’t let frequencies decide what feels good and uplifting for you. This suggestion may be counter-intuitive to what we do, creating music based on sound healing frequencies everyday. But at the end of the day it is not the frequencies that matter, but the impact the music has on you.

And as a musician, we very well know that if the music is not coming from the heart, it does not matter which frequency we are using. The vibrations with which we make and play music are passed onto our listeners.

Here is 528Hz Sleep Music track from Meditative Mind’s YT Channel, we hope this will help you. And we hope this article was worth your time.

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

What do we still not know about the 528Hz frequency?

Despite its growing popularity, there is still a lot we don’t know about the 528Hz frequency. Furthermore, more scientific research is needed in this area to really establish that 528Hz and for that matter other solfeggio frequencies are able to achieve DNA and cell regeneration in humans. So we would say this is an area which requires further research.

528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency
528 Hz | Pure Tone | Hyper Gamma | Solfeggio Frequency | Lambda Frequency

9 Solfeggio Frequencies

9 Solfeggio Frequencies

The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies with their vibration (hz) and effect:
0:00:00 174 hz — reduce physical pain, connect with earth
0:17:01 285 hz — strengthen visual imagination and energy fields
0:33:49 396 hz — liberation from guilt and fear
0:50:13 417 hz — resonance with the universe, changes
1:06:40 528 hz — miracles & love frequency
1:22:29 639 hz — harmonious relations with our neighbors and partners
1:38:55 741 hz — awakening intuition
1:55:02 852 hz — “return to spiritual order”
2:11:33 963 hz — activate the pineal gland
2:28:17 174 hz — reduce physical pain, connect with earth

🎧Decrease the Volume 🔊 Accordingly, 🔫 💀Don’t Hut ☠ Your Ears and Mind 💣 ≋ Feel the Subtle Vibrations ≋ Surrounding your Head ≋ Thanks for Your Time (Very Effective and Powerful) YIN YANG BALANCE Music for Young Spirit, Mind and Body Video by #HYWIN

There are six main solfeggio frequencies. They are;

  • The 396 Hz for liberating one from fear and guilt
  • The 417 Hz frequencies for facilitating change and undoing situations
  • The 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair
  • The 639 Hz frequencies for relationships and reconnecting
  • The 741 Hz solfeggio frequencies for getting solutions and expressing themselves
  • The 852 Hz frequencies for returning one to a spiritual order
  • The 963 HZ solfeggio frequencies create room for oneness and unity.

Benefits of the Solfeggio Frequencies

  • Relieving pain and tension: The 174 HZ frequencies relieves a person from tension and pain. When one is listening to this type of music, they will observe their breath gradually slowing down, making them very relaxed as they drift off to quiet meditation. Healing frequencies will relax the muscles, thereby alleviating tension or pain.
  • Safety, energy, and survival are linked with the solfeggio frequencies at 285 Hz. It is a frequency linked to the root Muladhara or Chakra. It is the body’s most fundamental and primal energy center at the base of a person’s spine. The Chakra regulates all the energy relating to safety, survival, and instinct.
  • The 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequencies release fear and guilt. When listening to the frequency, the feelings of fear and guilt kick in. A mantra can be used for harmony to be obtained from the ancient Solfeggio frequencies.
  • The 417 Hz releases negativity and all past trauma. One will experience relief because the negative experiences and influences from the past slowly leave their consciousness. It is linked to solar plexus chakra and color yellow.
  • 528 Hz is for clarity, peace, and DNA healing: it is a miracle tone or the love frequencies which have been claimed to heal the DNA and also cleanses an individual from any diseases and sickness. Healing impact is amplified through toning and meditation.
  • Healing interpersonal relationships using 639 Hz: it is a frequency with an ability to reconnect because it allows one to meditate on themselves, their life, and those of the people they value and love.
  • Problem-solving and improving emotional stability using 741 Hz: it allows the mind to expand, filling it with various solutions and new ways for self-expression. It unwinds a person’s worries and troubles, allowing one to think freely. It creates room for a healthier and stable emotional position and time for more profound intuition.
  • To create harmony with the universe and yourself: use the 852 HZ solfeggio frequencies so that you can heighten your intuitions and alignment with spiritual orders. You can connect with an omnipresent spirit in the universes and bring back harmony to yourself.
  • The 963 HZ solfeggio frequencies create room for oneness and unity. It awakens your interactions with oneness and interconnectedness with the universes. You get pure and bright visions and thoughts in your mind.

The 432Hz

This is a natural frequency from the universe having cosmic healing abilities and attracting a huge audience to the music. Music is tuned to below a semitone, way lower than the standard A=440Hz, it gives direct access to one of the universe’s hidden treasures. The 432Hz has no relation with a specific Hz. This is because it is a multiplication of a ratio between C and A with C being 1 and a being 27/16. This is similar to 432/256, which applies to any given base frequency.

How to operate Solfeggio Frequencies

The steps for using the solfeggio frequencies are;

  • Moving to a quiet place away from any form of distraction: the silent place should be a place where you feel most welcome and free to express who you are. It can be a closet, bedroom, backyard, or an open field. In case you have a hectic life, for the elimination of distractions and noise, just try your best.
  • Get a place that is comfortable enough for you to either lie down or sit. It can be a couch, bed, or a nice floor spot. Position yourself in a way that you find most comfortable. The style which works efficiently when meditating is the lotus position, but it is not a necessary sitting posture.
  • Select a suitable track that you will start with. The solfeggio frequencies do not have a particular order to be followed. You can start from the last; backward to the beginning. Add the frequencies to a playlist and play them through, ensuring your favorite frequencies are on repeat. You can set the playlist to a reshuffle for a random selection.
  • Set the frequencies at a volume you are comfortable with. The music sounds used for healing are best set at low to moderate volume as it is meant for relaxation. Every person will have a personal volume preference. It is advisable always to experiment so that you get the appropriate volume that works for you.
  • Relax yourself when listening. Healing music is best used for meditation or when trying to maintain focus and remain relaxed, for instance, when reading or working on a computer. Solfeggio frequencies are ideal at any time, including when you are asleep. The frequencies should never be listened to when performing tasks requiring your full attention.
  • Continue using the music as there are no pre-set time or magical time for listening to the healing 432 Hz frequencies. The music can be listened to for an entire day, some minutes, or for some few hours. There is a need for listening to solfeggio frequencies regularly. The benefits will, however, be noticed after some months.

Scientific studies and research

According to research, the solfeggio frequencies were lost because of different application tuning. The olden days tuning practices employed a tuning system called “Just Intonation.” It featured pure intervals at the mid-point of every note, mathematically relating to ratios leading to pure sounds.

A study by Joachim Ernst-Berendt states that the twelve-tone equal temperament mistunes all the constant intervals, other than the octave. The modern scale creates situations like ‘boxed-in’ thinking, suppressed, and stuffed emotions lacking consciousness or fear based, where they all tend to progress to physical symptoms known as disease.

Research indicates that the current-day musical scale is very much out of sync when compared to the very first and original Solfeggio scale. For the sake of harmony in life, the dissonant scale from the west should be replaced with a webbed subtle having clear interval-like relationships for solfeggio music. Music should be a tool for raising human methods and nature for connecting the source or sources.

Tuning back to perfect vibrations will require great genius plus electromagnetic engineering. Nikola Tesla once said that knowing the magnificence detailed by 3, 6, and 9 will allow one to know the key to a peaceful universe. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are fundamental vibration roots made for solfeggio frequencies.

Albert Einstein further added that, on the matter, we have been wrong. Matter is energy having lowered vibrations perceptible to their senses. Every matter-being vibrate at quite specified rates, making everything to have their own melody. Musical nature for nuclear matter obtained from atoms to the galaxies is already recognized by the sciences.

This makes frequencies to be very powerful, creating an opportunity for creating original tones from heavenly spheres, putting the body into some balanced resonance. Solfeggio music can either be thrown away or used for harmony, health, general well-being, and healing as they hold the key to our universe. Music can either be played for the soul, or even thrown away.


We can describe 432 Hz as just a regular number lacking special significance over the others, but that is not the case. Tuning music to a specified frequency does not unlock its cosmic powers, neither does it improve or reduce the music sound. There isn’t a set specified rule to be used by musicians when tuning A=440 Hz. Musicians ought to learn the alternate tunings appropriately for various viable reasons for instruments such as build and timber and the historical background for any compositions and their historic demands. Otherwise, music should be fun for experimentation and creativity. Standards should never hold anyone back from having fun.

Vibration forms part of life. It is the basis for everything, and every vibration will have its very own frequency. Exposing the body to solfeggio frequencies will ensure you achieve balance and deep healing. The frequencies will align your body with tones and rhythms, forming the universe basis. The frequencies can be chanted during meditation as they penetrate deep into both the subconscious and conscious mind.

174 Hz — The lowest of the tones appears to be a natural anaesthetic. It tends to remove pain physically , energetically as well as karmic energy. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety and love, motivating them to do their best.

285 Hz — This tone is useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns or any other form of damaged tissue. 285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is said to be directly connected to our body´s, mind and soul´s blueprint for optimal health and physical wellbeing, due to its amazing ability to remember what should be and to return cells to its original form. It influences energy fields sending them message to restructure damaged organ. 285 Hz is about remembering and healing you, your internal organs and your energy.

396 Hz — Cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacle to realization, enables achievement of goals in the most direct way. It releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. This solfeggio frequency can also be also used as means of grounding, awakening, sobering and returning to reality.

417Hz — Next tone from the solfeggio scale is connected with resonation processes or processes of amplification. Re can “delete” person’s “alienation from God” and enable returning to the “right path”. This solfeggio frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. It can be used for cleaning limiting impression, which disables the person to achieve her life goals. When speaking of cellular processes, tone Re encourages the cell and its DNA to function in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency energizes your body cells and helps to use their creative potentials.

528 Hz — Used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. If it is used in a way described in Webster’s dictionary — by communicating the wanted effect and with energy support from the “light” — miracles will happen! Process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects — increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. It also opens the person for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

639 Hz — This frequency enables creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. It can be used for dealing with relationships problems — those in family, between partners, friends or social problems. It can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love. 639 Hz frequency can also be used for communication with parallel worlds or spiritual spheres.

741 Hz — Cleans the cell from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to change in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. It also cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another important application of this sound frequency is cleansing infections — viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to pure, stable and spiritual life.

852 Hz — Solfeggio 852 Hz is directly connected to the third eye chakra and can be used as means for awakening inner strength & self realisation. It is good for dissolving stagnate mental energy from to over-thinking. (mental activity) It is said to clear up energy blockages that before has hindered clear and strong communication with our higher self, spirit guides and spirit helpers. The 852 Hz solfeggio to play either clean as is or as a background sound to other audio.

963 Hz — This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit, and enables direct experience, the return to Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness — our true nature.

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Binaural Beats / Solfeggio Frequency / Gamma / Graphic & Logo Designing / Illustrations / Digital Collage ART / Photo, Video & Audio Editing, Vfx (Compositing)