The Objective Goal Strategy Measures (OGSM) 3-in-1 Template

A strategic planning framework with the aim of ensuring that long-term visions are linked to short-term and medium-term goals, actions and measures.

Henrik Ståhl
4 min readJul 20, 2022

A vision and a goal are two separate concepts; they are not the same. And yet, they are most powerful when applied in tandem. In software product development, a vision is paramount. Without it, you will have a hard time inspiring people to tirelessly improve the product. A lack of vision is a lack of why, and that is often proved futile for a product. Vision is direction.

Goals are equally important, because they help you define the how. ”Nice vision! How are we supposed to materialize it?” If you can’t answer the how, the vision might end up being nothing but a fancy pipe dream. Having goals is taking action.

So, to summarize:

  • Vision: Direction, the why.
  • Goal: Action, the how.

Two common examples of vision and goal is Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech and former president of the United States John F. Kennedy’s goal for the Apollo program. In his legendary speech, Martin Luther King described his vision of a world where people live together in mutual respect. John…



Henrik Ståhl

Technologist & Content Modelist. Former journalist, now product manager and methodology nerd.