Why Nvidia’s Computer Generated CEO Reveal Was a Huge Disappointment

The stunt to promote and showcase its latest technology was nothing more than a fizzle

Henrik Ståhl
3 min readAug 13, 2021


Nvidia digitized its CEO Jensen Huang in a conference keynote. Source: Youtube

Can you tell the difference between the two versions of Nvidia’s CEO Jensen Huang in the image above? I bet you can’t.

You see, there is no difference; both of them are the real Jensen Huang.

But that may not be what the graphics processor company wanted you to believe.

By revealing they sneaked a virtual replica of its CEO into a keynote speech to showcase its prowess at computer animation, they might have hoped for all of us to watch through the entire speech on Youtube, awed by the fact that it’s impossible to guess if we’re seeing the live and real Jensen Huang or his digitized copy.

According to VICE, Huang’s kitchen was also ”entirely computer generated.”

It’s not clear exactly which part of the keynote speech features CGI Huang (which is what makes the replica so impressive),

the article states in awe of Nvidia’s prowess.



Henrik Ståhl

Technologist & Content Modelist. Former journalist, now product manager and methodology nerd.