Challenge: Care-organisation as a service

‘Clap’ it to bring this challenge to Hack Belgium 2020, the world’s first open innovation festival.

Hack Belgium
4 min readDec 4, 2019

About the challenge

Healthcare is a provider-centric service. How can we turn that around and make it more people-driven? How to turn care-organisations from closed practices to open communities? How can we bring healthcare to someone’s home or shopping mall? How can we delight people with a frictionless service?

Challenge submitted by Bart Collet from In4Care

Why this challenge and what for?

Every year, 1000 talented people come together in Brussels for 3 days with one mission: build purpose-driven innovation projects that contribute to the well-being of our planet and our people. It is Hack Belgium, the world’s first open innovation festival.

All projects begin with a challenge. There’s 36 in total! They inspire most of the creative work and they ensure that the work is meaningful and directed at real problems and needs in society. This year, challenges are contributed by citizens and stakeholders in Belgium’s wider innovation ecosystem. However, since the number of challenges is limited, we need to make a selection and that’s where you, dear reader, come into the picture.

How is the challenge selection made?

The challenges that receive the most claps will get selected and the 1000 participants of Hack Belgium will find solutions to solve it. So if you want to see this challenge at Hack Belgium, give it a clap. Share it with your friends and colleagues!

The ‘Care-organisation as a service’ full submission by Bart Collet

The Underlying Problem & Root Causes of the Challenge
While we can enjoy great quality in medical expertise and outcome, the service is often still cumbersome. We still have to make appointments, wait a long time, take time off to travel to a healthcare organisation (even for a minor consultation). It gets worse for people with a chronic condition where the structure itself prevents those people from leading a ‘normal’ life.

Why is this challenge hard to solve?
It is an enormous ecosystem with incumbents that benefit from a status quo. It requires a systems approach … or a radical and disruptive consumer-driven approach.

What is the scale of the problem?
Healthcare costs amount to around 10–11% of GDP in most European countries. We are all patients — or future patients.

Who are the problem ‘owners’? Who is responsible for fixing the problem?
The incumbents themselves (healthcare organisations, the government, insurers, medical professionals, …). If they don’t embrace new technologies and business models, they are at risk to experience a Kodak-moment.
But also: Companies currently offering disruptive services or business models that start delivering a service with much more value, more empathy, more convenience (less friction) and -more importantly- will keep us all healthy.

Who else could contribute to fixing the problem? Which audiences should come to Hack Belgium to solve this challenge?
Everyone! No, seriously, … everyone! Concrete examples would include: Pharma, Apple, Google, Black&Decker, Lego, Walmart, JP Morgan, Amazon, Best Buy, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Drone/robot companies, … all companies with a 100% focus on a customer driven service seeing enormous opportunities in healthcare.

What skills sets or expertise is needed to solve this challenge?
As this challenge is focused on increasing value and/or removing friction, we should be looking at these types of skill sets:
* Customers (patients or future patients)
* UX experts
* Industry experts of various background (from legal to medical professionals)
* Developers

When would you consider the challenge ‘solved’? What needs to happen? What criteria need to be met?
When a healthcare delivery service is created at the same cost but with much better rated customer experience.
So 2 criteria: experience-rating + similar cost

If a promising solution is developed at Hack Belgium 2020, what kind of support could the challenge owner provide to further support the project?
In4care is a member organisation of +280 care organisations, that can assist in identifying the right persons or organisations, provide testing-environments, mentoring, … and much more.

Want to submit your own challenge?

Submit it here! And remember, if you want to see this challenge at Hack Belgium give it a clap!



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