A Beautifully-Finished Wooden Raspberry Pi Wall Display

Hackster Staff
2 min readSep 13, 2016


A tiny computer like the Raspberry Pi makes an excellent platform making things, such as an extremely well-finished wall display for weather and Google Calendar events. Imgur user “paqmanbiker” made it as a Mother’s Day gift for his wife, which he admits was very late. On the other hand, he had to work on it when she was away, which delayed construction significantly.

If this type of project looks familiar, that’s because the creator was inspired by two other excellent models outlined here and here. This build, however, features a stained wood look, with the woodworking outlined on its Imgur post. The excellent finish really sets this project apart from the others.

A Python script (stolen from the previous projects) maps the buttons to different keys, as well as mapping them to the GPIO pins on the Pi, giving different functions for each one.

The left button is mapped to the “p” key, which makes the calendar go back a month. The next button is the “n” button, so it goes forward a month. The third button switches the calendar to agenda view, and the last button is mapped to the ESC key, which cancels the screensaver slideshow. Each button has a secondary function, if held down longer than two seconds.

