Open Bar for Your Cocktail Mixing Enjoyment

Hackster Staff
2 min readJul 18, 2016


If you enjoy adult beverages, but can’t be bothered to mix your own drinks or even pay someone to do it for you, the Open Bar device may be for you. It’s perhaps not the most refined booze bot the Internet has seen, but as with any project like this, it’s still a work in progress.

The Open Bar is a robot with a web-based GUI that can autonomously mix and pour cocktails.

The Open Bar takes the form of a modified mini-fridge with a liquid dispenser on top. Drink options are selected via a tablet, then the device obediently pours your drink of choice into a plastic cup.

Once complete, the Raspberry Pi 3-based bot will be entirely open-source.

There are two sides to this project. The hardware side consists of a refrigerator, liquors, valves, pumping equipment, 3D-printed spouts, buttons, and mixing chambers, and an embedded system controlling all of the logic. The software side is a web app created using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS) that allows the user to access all of the available recipes and select the drink that they want to pour. A unique QR code printed on a user’s wristband allows the user to select a drink on the web app and pour that drink by scanning their QR code at the machine.

You can find more info on its writeup, or you can check out the project’s website which is currently under construction.

