My Future Car — 2025

Hae Deshaies
4 min readMay 30, 2019


The automobile is, now in a stage of reinvention. It perfectly suits the phrase ‘Reinventing the wheel’ which can be modified and put as ‘Reinventing the tire’. Futuristic cars are envisioned to float on water, fly in the air and to extrapolate more, hover in space.

Back in time, even though the advent of a brand new car created eye-catching headlines, some of the common facts such as the irreducible requirements of engine, transmission, suspension, and fuel tank, and all the mechanical linkages involved (pedal to throttle, driveshaft to wheels), dictated continued defining the look and overall functioning of a car respectively.

Finally, car manufacturers realized the two conspicuous spectrums of technologies that drew a line between them and the traditional car design: driving-by-wire, and power from fuel cells. Automakers have already started to make early inroads in them and a revolutionized design will, shortly be in the public spotlight

With automakers making a paradigm shift to power electronics, you will see the entire mechanical mechanism being at the helm of an intricate power circuitry. The transmission, the drive shaft and the interior encroachments will be a forgotten past. Perhaps most important, the internal combustion engine is likely to be superseded by a compact fuel cell which will transmit signals to the tires. You will find no catalytic converter anymore because these fuel cells will only emit vapor and water.

Car designs in 2025 are envisioned to have its interiors without an engine compartment, fixed instrument panel, floor pedals, or even a standard steering wheel. You may see a car that will have a flat floor to work with, making it possible and tangible to create interiors that double as living and working spaces.

With the present mindset, these innovations may seem to be a pie in the sky but in hindsight, they are going be the center piece for car maintenance. You may have a model that may be lighter than the combined weight of all its tires. These lighter models will obviously be made robust and durable.

Sceptics have voiced their palpable concern that the fact that the concept of light models, materializing into total success, may be a remotest possibility because if they were to be run by fuel cells, the combined size of these fuel cells in the contraption will make it bulkier.

Scientists, however, are feeling bullish to accomplish this unprecedented and unimaginable feat with the some extra flavour of technological craftsmanship.

These light model cars are likely to alter the entire landscape of the automobile industry. Apocryphal designs are constantly being reworked to make them fully customized.

Reinventing the automobile has indeed gathered unimpeded steam. This is also going to be true and decisively applicable to the tires. For e.g. in 2025, your car may have

all season tires that will have varied sensors embedded inside their grooves. You may see an end to the seemingly endless problem of tire check-ups and replacements by retrieving every minuscule data from these embedded, delicate, and unnoticeable yet high-tech and profusely tech-savvy sensors.

This approach will definitely prove intriguing as it will give the drivers a hassle free respite in steering the wheel manually all the time, especially during long, tardy drives. This high-definition technology will be made a mandate to all the cars because at the end, it will be highly eco-friendly.

The implicated fixes and repairs can soon be a cakewalk and inexpensive. Now as a driver, you may not find it difficult to procure spare parts. You are going to have an easy access to garages and office depot. Some of the astounding, fanciful adjustments such as moving the passenger seat in any direction or turning a car into a mobile office, even a mobile bedroom etc… are some of the unthinkable notions which are now very much within the realms of possibility.

The elite group of automakers are encouraging the firms not only to play with interior configurations, but to fundamentally alter the architecture of the automobile, creating vehicles that are not only innovative but functional, shrugging off most of the manoeuvres done manually. The crux of the matter is to have the interiors potentially versatile so that they can accommodate major adjustments to make it gregarious. With an impeccable, immaculate in-built interior, the driving will be as smooth as a feather.

As of date, a brand new concept of driving by wire technology is being worked upon under the aegis of the prominent automakers. What would this mean to a driver? He/she would enjoy the luxury of enabling the steering wheel to become an aircraft-type control yoke or a joystick. As silly as it may sound, but your future car may not have a steering attached to a conventional steering column and could, potentially, be docked in several places about the car. You can pull it down from the ceiling when required or hide it as a measure of security when your car is parked. When traveling alone, the driver may no longer be in a driver’s seat but can sit in the centre of the vehicle, as an increased safety measure in case of a collision; side- or rear-view cameras would provide a full range of vision. You may find a crash-absorbing, well-oiled structure replacing an engine compartment for making the cars safer during a collision course or freak accidents which will result in saving the passengers from a catastrophic fatality.

After reading this, I am confident that we are all tempted to have a car that will strike a perfect balance between nonchalant driving and safety.



Hae Deshaies

I am an RF Engineer by profession, I do design and development on 5G network at Nokia, prior I have done various jobs in marketing, maintenance and education.