The importance of 2D array

1 min readDec 29, 2016



Arrays have been the backbone of programming language almost for the past half century in CSC. Importantly, there have been improvement at long the way to make them more efficient in various programming languages. One of those programming language that revitalize the use of array has been java. Java have created a platform for their users to have the access starting from a single array to multi-Dimensional arrays.

Therefore, 2D array falls under the modernized standard of java which has a hug real world implication beginning from organizing chessboard to monitoring weather conditions in multiple ranges.

Note: 2D array mainly specifics both number of rows and number of columns

For instance, import java.util.*;

public class TwoDime2{

public static void main(String [] args){

int [][]TwoDime=new int [4][3];

int temp=10;

for(int i=0;i<4;i++){

for(int n=0;n❤;n++){


temp +=10;



for(int i=0;i<4;i++){

for(int n=0;n❤;n++){

System.out.println(TwoDime[i][n] +” “ );






