1: How to Eat an Elephant

hala saleh
2 min readNov 2, 2016


This is part of my attempt at writing a “novel” or set of stories for #NaNoWriMo. Here is the link to the Table of Contents (Index), which will be a work in progress through November 2016.

One bite at a time. That’s what she needed to do. Eat her elephant one bite at a time.

It had been years since an idea had woken her up at night the way that passion did in the early years of her marriage. Those moments of fire burning so hot that your mind and body simply could not rest until you found a way to put the fire out.

Maybe it would work. Maybe it wouldn’t. It was worth a try.

For the next month, she would open her eyes and let the stories come to her, instead of trying to pursue and create them. Every day, she would search. She would observe the world around her, and allow the stories to flow through her fingers onto the page. Just one story a day.

Stories were the stuff of life, and life existed all around her. In the boy standing on the corner, in the woman who sat in the same seat on the bus every day, in the couple that met without uttering a word.

Who said books had to be about one idea, anyway?

“Go to sleep,” she told herself. “And tomorrow, you shall eat.”

She smiled to herself in the dark for what could have been a minute, or an hour, or a lifetime, before falling back to sleep.

Next chapter: 2: Doctor, Doctor, Will I Die?



hala saleh

People-driven Products, Sunrise/sunset and light chaser. Always learning.