gm: Introducing Halliday

4 min readAug 4, 2022


Halliday raises $6M seed led by a16z to supercharge ownership in games and the metaverse

Today, we’re excited to announce Halliday and our upcoming launch of the world’s first solution to enable ownership of blockchain game and metaverse assets through later payment. For players who want a virtual avatar to experience a new game, a distinctive skin to express themselves, or an epic sword to beat the final boss, Halliday empowers them by making ownership of game NFTs more accessible.

Halliday integrates directly with games and marketplaces as an alternative payment option at checkout, offering players a seamless way to secure ownership and pay for their NFT over time. Our solution is designed to be as easy and transparent as possible for the user — no surprises or hidden fees. And the best part? Users can start playing with their NFT right away. Instead of waiting for months to race that new car down the speedway, players can take it for a spin immediately.

We’re launching soon!

We’re grateful that some of the best backers in the world share our passion for what we’re building. We’re stoked to announce our $6M seed round led by a16z crypto, with participation from Hashed, a_capital, SV Angel, Immersion Partners, Sabrina Hahn and a host of other amazing investors. We’re also fortunate to be advised by some of the top blockchain experts in the world, like Dan Boneh.

Players will soon be able to checkout with Halliday on our fantastic partner platforms. In a few short weeks, we’re going to launch our beta with League of Kingdoms. We’ll be announcing many more partnerships and integrations in the coming weeks.

Our amazing team makes all of this possible. We’re a squad with different skills, talents, and backgrounds — engineers, economists, artists, technologists, and builders — but what binds us together is our belief in the product we’re building today and the world we’re creating tomorrow.

And we freaking love games.

Over the past decade, games have become a fundamental part of our social fabric. Hundreds of millions of people participate daily in highly collaborative and interactive digital experiences, and this number is only growing.

The evolving nature of modern multiplayer games indicates a broader trend: games are starting to look increasingly like societies. Objectives are defined less and less by the game developers, and more and more by the players themselves. There’s no main quest in Roblox, Fortnite, or really any modern MMO sandbox — instead, these games offer players compelling digital canvases and unique virtual experiences to explore and share with their friends. An exciting example of this was Ariana Grande’s Fortnite Rift Tour, a record-breaking virtual concert with 75M+ players in attendance.

Blockchain is accelerating this evolution of games into digital societies by assigning real world value to digital assets and inalienable ownership rights to online citizens. We believe a blockchain-based network of games and virtual spaces will evolve into a digital civilization where the chain codifies ownership. Our mission is to build the economic infrastructure for this digital civilization and empower its citizens with:

1. Ownership — Players have the right and a tangible pathway to realize ownership. This drives long-term community participation and promotes rapid organic growth.

2. Choice — Power lies with the players. They build their own experience, make their own decisions, and control their own journey.

3. Open Access — Digital worlds and services are intuitive and easily accessible. Anyone can join the community and take part in the economy.

At Halliday, we’re relentlessly player-first.

We’re excited to realize this vision together, and the best part is that we’re just getting started.

If you’re building a game, e-sports/collectibles platform, NFT marketplace, ecosystem or related project, and you’re interested in working with Halliday, reach out to us at

We’re also hiring! If you’re excited about building this kind of future with us, hit us up at

To all the players out there, we welcome y’all to join the Halliday community. Follow us on Twitter and join our Discord to be the first to hear about some fun upcoming surprises.

See y’all in a few weeks!

Akshay, Griffin & Team Halliday

