Captain’s Log #3: Exclusive, Limited, & Valuable — The Upcoming Status Symbol By Halo Wallet

4 min readJul 7, 2023


Halo Crew,

It’s me again. I will constantly share some insights behind the scenes in this way when we make significant progress. Hope you like it.

At this special point when we are going to open the second round of public beta, there are some thoughts I want to share with you which may have an impact on your potential profits within the Halo Ecosystem.

I don’t mean to put pressure on you, but it’s somewhat important.

Let’s start with a relatively easy topic.

When we launched the Halo Wallet first round public beta a month ago, I heard some complaints about our strict qualification verification process. A lot of users failed to participate because of this process.

Is it truly necessary?

Absolutely YES, for both cultivating a social atmosphere and protecting user rights.

A social atmosphere is something indescribable but everyone can feel it. Like when you walk into a bar and sit down, you can quickly tell if the bar makes you feel comfortable even without talking to anyone. It is composed of music, lighting, decoration, and maybe expressions on people’s faces, etc., which is kind of similar to the concept of “field” in the field of physics.

It’s the core element of a successful social product and we’re in the early stage of building our own “field”.

Since users are also an essential part of it, we need a filter to help us carefully identify qualified core users. We’re sorry for rejecting thousands of users for this public beta, without a strong social field we’d be overwhelmed if we get everyone involved.

And the second reason for this qualification verification is user rights protection.

As a new user, you may find that it’s harder for you to participate in the public beta than someone who has already used Halo Wallet for a while. It’s true, we do favor our existing users in the rule and that’s exactly our way to approach marketing and operating strategies.

I introduced the concept of “skin in the game” in my [Captain’s Log 2] which is a phrase for shared risk. Connected by the profit ties of the token economy, we believe that all Web3 users are also investors in a sense. They should have a priority to share the dividend since they have invested time and coin in Halo Wallet to “skin in the game” with us.

If someone joins the public beta, it means they will have a better chance to obtain airdrops and also the privilege to complete paid promotion tasks in the near future.

If you haven’t joined us yet, now is the perfect time.

Finally, we have “one more thing.”

We’re going to make a grand announcement this month, which is also the most important announcement since our rebranding. This is our first step in monetizing the value of data and social networks, and it’s also a sincere reward for our first batch of fans and supporters.

First of all, it is a status symbol, giving the owner a high level of assurance while also granting them exclusive rights and permanent validity.

Second, the number of releases will be strictly limited, which means they will be rarer than most NFTs and will never be diluted.

Lastly, we’re designing a creative way to maintain value stability and protect the owners from losses, not like Azuki, even if it means giving up part of the Halo team’s interests.

It’s already in progress. Since it’s so important and potentially likely to put a deficit on our books, we still need some time to figure out the whole thing and make it a game-changer in a field of collapsing faith.

Stay tuned for our surprise.

That’s all I want to share today. It’s hard to always focus on the things that are right for the long term, but we’ll try our best anyway.

Goodbye & Good Luck.

Sincerely @Pioneer_Jeff

About Halo Wallet

Halo Wallet is a secure and easy-to-use crypto wallet that supports multi-chain aggregation and aims to provide Web3 users with a more efficient and deep insight into investment opportunities through the Social web. With the leading security technology audited by Hacken, Halo Wallet is a self-custody wallet that users have full control of their assets. Let Web3 users discover the value of projects earlier, monitor their investment portfolios, and make smart decisions. That is where the Halo Wallet comes into play!

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