CSS-in-JS in Aurelia 2

2 min readApr 22, 2020


What is CSS-in-JS?
CSS-in-JS is a styling technique where JavaScript is used to style components. When this JavaScript is parsed, CSS is generated (usually as an <style> element) and attached to the DOM. It allows you to abstract CSS to the component level itself, using JavaScript to describe styles in a declarative and maintainable way.

In the ecosystem of some client-side libraries, such as React, this method is very common. So we decided to discuss how to use CSS-in-JS in Aurelia.

Why EmotionJS?

There are multiple implementations of CSS-in-JS concept in the form of libraries but few of them are framework-agnostic so we chose EmotionJS

This is how they define EmotionJS:

Emotion is a performant and flexible CSS-in-JS library. Building on many other CSS-in-JS libraries, it allows you to style apps quickly with string or object styles. It has a predictable composition to avoid specificity issues with CSS. With source maps and labels, Emotion has a great developer experience and great performance with heavy caching in production.

EmotionJS & Aurelia 2 integration

To integrate EmotionJS and Aurelia, Follow the steps below:

Add EmotionJS framework-agnostic version to your project with the following command

npm i emotion --save

Define a custom attribute and name it Emotion just like the following code

import { inject } from "aurelia";
import { css, cache } from 'emotion'
export class EmotionCustomAttribute {
constructor(private element: Element) {
afterAttach() {
if (this.isInShadow(this.element))
cache.sheet.container = this.element.getRootNode() as HTMLElement;
cache.sheet.container = document.head;
private isInShadow(element: Element): boolean {
return element.getRootNode() instanceof ShadowRoot;

Surely there are questions about the above code let me answer them one by one.

What is isInShadow?

This method helps us to find out our HTMLElement is inside a shadow-root or not.

Why shadow-root matter?

Because Aurelia 2 supports ShadowDOM and we need to style those HTMLElements that are inside a shadow via the emotion library.

What is cache.sheet.container?

The emotion library uses container configuration to inject styles into specific DOM. To support shadow-root we should inject our styles into the shadow block but for global styles document.head is good.

Why afterAttach?

Detecting ShadowDOM mode for an HTMLElement is possible via this life-cycle method.

Now, Register the new Emotion custom attribute in your main.ts file.

import Aurelia from 'aurelia';
import { MyApp } from './my-app';
import { EmotionCustomAttribute } from './emotion-attr';

Add an object in your view-model and call it cssObject.

export class MyApp {
public message = 'Hello World!';
private color = 'white'
public cssObject = {
backgroundColor: 'hotpink !important',
'&:hover': {
color: this.color

Go to your view and add emotion custom attribute to an HTML tag.

<div class="message" emotion.bind="cssObject">${message}</div>

Congrats. You did this. Run the project and enjoy it.

You can find the source code here.




A Microsoft .NET & TypeScript Developer. (BE, FE, and QA)