How to End the Merry-Go-Round Stress Cycle
Have you ever stuffed your cheeks with cake because of your multiplying relationship issues, or laid awake all night with your eyes peeled because you couldn’t stop thinking about your work projects? If so, you witnessed first-hand what stress can do to you. We all have experienced stress in our lives at some point or another. Sometimes we experience it weekly, or even daily! Whichever way you poorly deal with stress, it is apparent you have the case of the Coping Complication Phenomenon: an attempt to solve stress by doing actions that are detrimental to your health. However, these attempts promote more stress. Sounds horrible, right? Well, many people are unconsciously hurting their bodies, thinking that their problems will go away. In reality, that will only make their problems worse! This merry-go-round stress cycle is not ideal. Therefore, it is crucial to learn necessary coping methods; I mean, wouldn’t you want your life to be stress free?
Step One: As with any problem, one must admit they have an undesirable one before being able to move forward. Start by reflecting upon your daily routine. Have you been eating unhealthily? Are you getting enough sleep? What about your time management? You may come to a realization that you are doing all of these things poorly. Perhaps you are drinking too toll on your attitude. Therefore, there are numerous ways you could be failing with stress, but if you admit you have a problem and are aware of the negative actions you take fighting it, you are one step closer to be freed from the Coping Complication Phenomenon.
Step Two: Find the root of what is stressing you out. There could be many stress factors that play a role in your daily life. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry shares the multiple ways stress can sneak into the nooks and crannies of our lives. The AACAP states stress is caused by, “School demands and frustrations, negative thoughts and feelings about themselves, severe problems in the family, moving or changing schools, taking on too many activities, and family financial problems,” (AACAP). Even if you are not of the adolescent age, many of these factors can still be prevalent. For example, instead of changing schools, maybe you are moving for work purposes. There can be a lot of tension for you and your family when juggling moving boxes. So, whichever factors you find most prevalent in your day-to-day world, it is crucial to make note of it because you can then chase the real question of how to end the merry-go-round stress cycle.
Step Three: Now it is time to decide which coping method would best suit your need. If stress causes you to eat unhealthily, stay up late, or time-manage poorly (as addressed in step one), it is best to keep a food journal and write a to-do list or planner. By doing so, your mind will be clearer and your thoughts will be in order, literally! Food journals will help you stay at a healthy weight, and limit your confection intake; a healthy body, a healthy mind! To-do lists will take a lot of weight off your shoulders when you check off each task, and planners are essential so you do not have to balance too many things at once. These three coping techniques will leave you less tense, guaranteed, or your money back *wink! *
Another great coping technique would be to keep a regular journal and write daily. For example, if you have negative thoughts, write about the positive aspects about your day; it will allow you to find peace of mind. Psych Central, a website suggested by the New York Times, adds, “Journaling can help clarify your thoughts and feelings, know yourself better, reduce stress, and solve problems more effectively,” (Psych Central.) There are many great benefits of keeping a journal. For more information, click the link below to listen to my podcast regarding journaling and its mental health benefits!
Thus, it is important to cope with stress using these methods. Do you want to be stuck in the merry-go-round stress cycle and be miserable? I didn’t think so. Start today and make a positive change in your life to be stress free for good!
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