The Sun Is Also Star

Happy Christin N
4 min readMar 16, 2018



Author: Nicola Yoon

Number of Pages: 349

Publisher &Year of Published: Delacorte Press, 2016

ISBN: 978–0–553–49668–0 (hv) — 978–0–553–49669–7 (lib.bdg.) — 978–0–553–49670–3 (ebook) — 978–1–5247–1630–1 (

The Sun is Also A Star is a Nicola Yoon’s second book. It is a interserting book as like as the first. This book told abut two teen who have opposite personality but found a lot of love between them. There was many differences between those both book. Natasha was a girl who believe about fact and science not fate, kebetulan, or love either. But Daniel was a Korean boy who always tried to get what his parents want even though it was not his dream or wish. He bealived fate, dream, dan hope, also he really liked poem. First time they met they were two asing and didn’t know each other, but fate made both of them terlibat jauh in their own family life and complex problem.

Character, personality, problem, and emotion of characters were describe well. Even when both of them faced different problem, they decided to stand beside one they love. It made reader can feel their passion. This was a story about one day journey of the characters. And as long as the journey, Nicola Yoon succed introduce all of her characters well.

As long as read this novel I thought the theme was same with the first, love, but in this story, the author showed passion to achieve a good life even for themselves or family. This story told how passion can make people do anything to get his dream despite someone else hurt.

At the beginning, Nicola Yoon had introduced conflict that happen and rise it to reach a long and complicated climax. The end of the story was easy to guess, but the author added one thing that made both of them were hope different ending from the beginning.

The novel gave past story that cause all of the conflict, so it could be concluded that author used forward and backward line. Beside that it used a first person vision (Natasha and Daniel), and a part of this novel used the third person vision. The writing style like this was interesting but confusing too, because if the reader did not enough concentration could lose the line. Nicola Yoon was genius to input clever thing in her novel. Sometimes she would put scientific word to support her character. This story was attractive, but I did not really feel houmours in the novel. Even though this story was tease us about our civilization today, that always focused on our life to achieve success with all things.

This story used the first person sight (both of prime character), so we would understand well what they think. And equal with her first novel, for proponent character she would write it in the third person sight.

This story used the New York city background, complete with its crowded and beauty, all of those was described well. I could even feel Natasha’s family home clearly and felt sorry for that. The situation was wrote well so that I could feel many kind of feel, like sad, happy, disappointed, and many more.

Willing to make parents dream come true, even lived in foreign country, was a good thing. I have experienced it when I moved to Bandung. I was 12 years old and my parents had higher prospect to my sisters and I. Sometimes I was afraid if I did not adequate to do it, but I was lucky enough because my parents did not push us to do their want. They did not like Daniel’s parents. My sister and I were free to choose something that we like and love to do.

This book was good, but I have to be honest that Nicola Yoon’s first book was more attractive. Even though this book contained a lot of life lesson, like:

1. We can dream big, but we can not get all of them. Not because we can not to achieve but in this world, we have a Creator to manage our life.

2. Our fighting will be useful for us or others. Remember exertion never be disappointed result.

3. Be yourself is the best thing we can do.

4. All of thing can happen with a reason.

Actually I did love all of parts in this story, but I did not like scene when Daniel on the train and met a depression man. He had to stop in another station. And maybe it was a part that I want to change. But I do respect for this book. I also recommended this book to read for all of novel lovers. Especially for everyone that was looking for their real personality.



Happy Christin N

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book” J.K. Rowling