Happy Monday
2 min readJul 17, 2017

Good morning, everyone! We hope your week is already off to a great start, and to make it more awesome, we would like to share things which inspired us in the past week. Wait, who are we? Jagriti (Service designer at Florida Blue) + Nitish (UX designer at Microsoft), are two inspired souls, who believe in the value of co-creating and moving forward together. Every Monday, we will be sharing our thoughts in the hope of beginning a conversation.

Five interesting things

  1. For every innovation that changes the world, hundreds don’t. Sweden’s new Museum of Failures immortalizes the world’s most memorable tech flops. Let’s learn from these failures, instead of ignoring them.
  2. For organizations seeking to become more adaptive and innovative, culture change is often the most challenging part of the transformation. IDEO’s Bryan Walker and Stanford Graduate School of Business’ Sarah A. Soule pen a piece in Harvard Business Review on changing a company culture through movements, not mandates.
  3. The most successful companies use both impatient and patient strategies to Innovate. Company’s progress and prosperity depend increasingly on solving hard problems that require less direct and more patient strategies.
  4. Dropdowns are not the most loved design element. Here are a few alternative you can use for your next design project.
  5. How level of customer participation impacts the service processes. These activities can be divided into customer-induced and customer-independent activities

shut down due to the cost of production, regardless of the customer liking. How can designers also help design solutions that balance the internal factors (production, supply chain, etc.) and the external factors (customer demand) at the same time?

Podcast of the week

99% Invisible — You should do a story (Listen on Spotify)

There are stories embedded in everyday built environments. In this episode, Roman Mars talks about Chevron’s Standard sign, laws of trademark, desire paths, implications of 60 Hz vs 50 Hz frequency and more.

Place of the week

Olympic National Park, WA is a wonderfully diverse slice of the world that we hope everyone gets a chance to experience. Here diverse ecosystems invite explorations at a grand scale. Make time to explore this place this summer.

In the end, we leave you with these words by Austin Kelon from his book “Steal like an artist

“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use — do the work you want to see done.”

Have a remarkable week ahead,

Jagriti and Nitish

Happy Monday

sharing our thoughts in the hope of beginning a conversation- Jagriti (Service designer at Florida Blue) + Nitish (UX designer at Microsoft)