The 7 Advantages of Being Late

Jenny Hunter
4 min readNov 30, 2022


While being punctual is definitely important, I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of upsides to being late.

In this article, I’ll share with you the 7 advantages of being late.

Read on to find out why running late isn’t always a bad thing!

More Time to Prepare

One of the great advantages of being late is that it gives you more time to prepare.

You don’t have to rush around trying to get ready, because you know you’re running behind schedule.

This gives you the opportunity to take your time and make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. You can make sure you look your best and make sure you have all the right materials ready to go.

It also gives you the chance to take a few deep breaths and relax before you enter the situation.

It might be a few extra minutes, but those few minutes can make a world of difference in how you approach the situation.

Less Pressure to Be “Perfect”

Nobody likes feeling pressured to be perfect, especially when it comes to showing up on time.

Being late can actually be a blessing in disguise, because it gives us a few extra minutes to put the final touches on our outfits or to run a quick brush through our hair.

We don’t have to worry about looking perfect; we can just relax and enjoy the moment.

Plus, when you show up late, people are more likely to be understanding and not judge you as harshly.

So, the next time you’re running late, don’t stress out — embrace it and enjoy the extra minutes of breathing room.

Opportunity to Connect with Others

Okay, so this one might be a bit of a stretch, but hear me out!

Being late gives you a chance to connect with other people.

Whether you’re running late for a meeting or just for a casual get-together, it gives you time to chat with the people you’ll be joining.

You’ll be able to make new acquaintances or even catch up with old friends.

In a way, being late can be a great chance to network and get to know people better! Who knows, you might even end up making a great connection or two.

Chance to Take a Deep Breath

Don’t you know that feeling?

You’re running late and your heart is pounding, your mind racing, and you can’t seem to get out the door fast enough.

But if you take a minute to stop and take a deep breath, all of that stress and anxiety will melt away.

Being late offers a chance to pause and take a moment to yourself.

You can take a deep breath and appreciate the moment, instead of rushing through it.

As a result, you’ll feel calmer and more centered as you continue on your way.

This can help reduce your overall stress levels and give you a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life.

Opportunity to Reflect on Your Day

Seriously, I don’t do this enough!

Being late gives you the opportunity to take a moment and reflect on your day.

It’s a great way to take stock of what’s been going on and to collect your thoughts.

When you’re running late, you can take a few minutes to do some deep breathing, focus your energy, and figure out what you need to do to get back on track.

It’s a great way to center yourself and make sure you’re in the right headspace to tackle whatever comes your way.

Plus, it’s a great way to make sure that you’re not missing any important details or tasks!

Increased Appreciation for Time

You know what they say: time is money!

But in reality, time is much more valuable than that.

Being late can help you to appreciate that time is finite and that it’s important to use it wisely.

When you’re running late, you start to think about how you can make the best use of the time you have left.

You begin to think about which tasks are most important and which ones you can skip.

You become more conscious of how you’re spending your time, and that can help you to make more mindful and productive decisions.

Being late can give you an appreciation for time that you might not have had before.

Time to Enjoy the Journey

Sure, this one’s pretty obvious.

When you’re running late, you don’t have a choice but to enjoy the journey.

Instead of worrying and stressing about making it on time, you can take the time to enjoy the scenery, listen to your favorite tunes, or just take a few moments to yourself.

You may even use the time to think about what you’re about to do or say.

The point is, you get to take a break from your daily routine and just enjoy the ride.

And who knows?

Maybe you’ll even discover something new about yourself or your surroundings.

So the next time you’re running late, don’t let it get you down. Instead, seize the opportunity to enjoy the journey!



Jenny Hunter

Hi, I'm Jenny Hunter! I'm the founder of, a website dedicated to helping people make healthier food choices.