When Should You Seek an Alcohol Rehab Program?

Sarah Edwards
3 min readDec 21, 2015


Alcoholism has its many manifestations. More often than not, it leads to a diseased body and mind, violence and self-destruction. It begins with a single drink for socializing, followed by drinking at home to get that ‘happy high’ and, before you know it, drinking at frequent intervals through the day because you just can’t keep your hands off the bottle. That’s when it is very important to get a grip on yourself and seek help. The realization should come from within, to shake off this terrible addiction and walk down the road of recovery.

Source: wikimedia.org

There are some terrible tag lines that get attached to you once people discover your dirty secret. You are then the ‘raging alcoholic’, the ‘addict’, the ‘one with a problem’. It not only affects you but your family as well. Imagine dropping your daughter off to school, and other parents get a whiff of your terrible breath! Your daughter becomes the victim of cruel remarks almost immediately. Before such a thing can happen, drop that bottle and head straight for the best alcohol rehab program you can find.

But how do you know when to stop? What are the signs that should stop you dead in your tracks, take a 360 degree turn and redesign your life?

Habits that require immediate alcohol rehab program:

You find yourself reaching for the bottle, pouring yourself a drink and consoling your mind by saying “it’s just this one drink”. And it never is.

You head straight to the nearest bar, with or without company, as soon as you get a bit of free time. It can be any time of the day.

You’re often lying through your teeth, while explaining the late nights to your family. And we are always guilty of doing something wrong when we lie.

You’re irritable, snappy and often get major headaches.

Your blurry visions and inability to think straight often land you in trouble in professional life.

You spend less time in the company of your loved ones, and become a recluse. Only because you want to drink ‘in peace’, without any objections.

Anything that comes in way of you and your drink, gets you thinking these really violent thoughts — the kind you never really thought you were capable of thinking. This is extremely harmful as it may lead to actual violence, as in most cases of extreme alcoholism.
And the list goes on, and not a very pretty one at that. While sobriety may seem a distant prospect for people who have walked too far down the line, it is never too late. Once you realize the warning signs, it is time to stop and get help. Immediately. Help comes in form of many ways these days. There are some excellent alcohol rehab programs that will eventually help you get back to sober living.

These are not the clichéd methods of keeping you shackled up in your room, but extremely personalized care that are tailor-made for your needs. So don’t hesitate to seek help and walk down the road to recovery, and to a happy, healthy life.



Sarah Edwards

blogger, content curator, loves to read and write, a great sports fan and a true Enrique fan.