Harald Seiz CEO of Karatbars International: Old coins never cease to fascinate

Harald Seiz
2 min readJan 16, 2018


Old coins never cease to fascinate

What history and wealth is encapsulated in an old coin? Which gold or silver mine was the source of the precious metals for this beautiful coin? Who is emblazoned on the coin’s face? Each old coin has its own story to tell. If only they could speak for themselves. This is what wealth is all about — man living his life, being productive and increasing his riches.

Seize the Coin

Throughout history, man has yearned for the secret to building up his wealth. The Spaniards discovered vast gold and silver mines in South America, which made them the wealthiest empire on Planet Earth. They built their Spanish Armada with the primary goal of carrying the gold from the New World to the Old World. When the United States was establishing its nation, it turned to the Spanish dollar to gain some independence. In the United States Constitution, money was clearly defined as gold and silver coins. It even specified the precious metals weight for each coin.

Coin a Phrase

In movie lore, the concept of “Dead Presidents” refers to the images on US coins. The “Benjamins” refer to Benjamin Franklin on the $100 American dollar. Everywhere, culture is being defined by coinage. What story does coinage tell you? After you identify the face of the sovereign on the coin, then you can connect it to a period of rule. You might start to think about the soldiers, who were paid this money by their king. How much could you buy with this coin, back then? Think about the meaning of the euro. The goal was to unite the continent around a single currency. Numerous countries sacrificed their old coins for the new euros; the European Union was born.

Gold Coin Wealth

Under the Weimar Republic, hyperinflation destroyed the wealth of many Germans in a relatively short amount of time. The CEO & founder of Karatbars, Harald Seiz doesn’t want you to experience the same dramatic loss of wealth. How can you depend on illusionary paper wealth, which you cannot touch? Throughout history, real wealth has been established in gold and silver coinage. Harald Seiz sells Karatbar, which allow you to store your wealth in gold. This is real, tangible wealth, you can touch. Seiz has coined the phrase: “secure people’s future through capital-formation.” Seize your own Seiz gold Karabar to build your wealth.



Harald Seiz

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