WePower- based green energy platform

5 min readJan 17, 2018


1. Wepower:

Renewable energy is one of today’s indispensable subjects. Today I am going to talk about WePower, a project that will revolutionize renewable energy.

Fossil-based resources such as coal, natural gas and oil meet the most important part of our energy needs today. However, the harmful and irreversible effects of these fossil fuels on nature are now rapidly increasing the support and orientation of many countries as green energy.

Today, there are many renewable energy alternatives to fossil-based energy sources. New facilities and investments continue to be made all over the world in many areas such as wind and sun, rain and geothermal heat. Even in recent times, governments’ support for these investments is increasing rapidly.

2. Wepower Platform:

The big idea?

WePower is an innovative project aimed at enabling green energy trading, bringing together investors and green energy producers. Thanks to Blokzinciri technology, renewable energy producers can produce their own energy tokens and finance them through these tokens.

WePower is a blockchain-based green energy trading platform. It connects energy buyers (households and investors or market makers) directly with the green energy producers and cre-ates an opportunity to purchase energy upfront at below market rates. WePower uses energy tokenization to standardize, simplify and open globally the currently existing energy invest-ment ecosystem. Energy tokenization ensures liquidity and extends access to capital. Moreover, it provides the first access to live trade in renewable energy globally for everyone. With a possibility to be inte-grated with IOT for purchase or exchange of energy as a base layer of the digital energy world, WePower will lead decentralized energy transformation.

Legally WePower acts as an independent energy supplier, allowing WePower platform to be connected to the energy grid and the local energy exchange market as well as energy end us-ers. WePower receives data about the produced, consumed energy and energy price from the energy grid and energy exchange markets.

Once renewable energy producer is connected to WePower platform, his future energy pro-duction is tokenized. Energy is tokenized based on kWh unit. One internal energy token rep-resents 1 kWh to be produced a certain time in the future.

When a renewable energy producer requires capital to finance the initial cost of a renewable energy project, he may sell a portion of the energy to be produced in the future, on the WePow-er platform. The buyer/investor acquires this energy in a form of internal energy tokens. Each energy token acts as a smart contract indicating: 1) type of energy, 2) when the energy will be produced and delivered; 3) price tag. This smart contract represents a standard power pur-chase agreement between the renewable energy producer and energy buyer.

In addition to solving current issues in the development and financing of green energy projects,WePower also has the potential to become a next-generation utility company based on the core principles of decarbonization, democratization and decentralization. By combining the core technological stack elements which include blockchain, smart contracts, data analytics and machine learning, WePower is set to become a 21st century virtual utility working close-ly with Distribution & Transmission system operators.. This means that green energy projects without subsidies can finally take-off at a pace required to have a significant positive impact to the Earth’s dangerous experiment with climate change through data-based decentralized generation utility approach with the infrastructure security in mind required for this type of operations.

WePower as independent energy supplier operates under established regulation guaranteeing relationships with distribution system operators and transmission system operators as well as fair use of infrastructure. At the same time, WePower as the market participant is connected to wholesale energy markets to sell and buy energy when needed.

WePower development is divided in 3 distinct stages:

a. WePower Breeze — Market entrance — challenging the way how energy investments and pur-chase are done today by creating necessary technological layer for the change to happen.

b. WePower Storm — Growth of services and usability — aggregating and managing energy flows via smart contracts.

c. WePower Hurricane — New decentralized energy utility.

For this to work, WePower needs to be able to scale the platform quickly, which is why it is focusing on building partnerships with utility companies and large green energy producers.

Within the WePower platform, countries will be able to add renewable energy production into their grids using blockchain technology, thereby replacing power purchase agreements with smart energy contracts and energy tokens.

3. Wepower Token:

a. Distribution token

Each energy token represents power at 1 kilowatt hour that will be generated in the specified power plants. These tokens provide financial flexibility to energy producers. If a renewable energy producer needs financial due to the installation or operation of its plants, it can meet its financial needs with energy tokens and give the investor a share of future energy. Those who receive energy tokens can also sell these tokens or use equivalent energy to their own personal needs.

The WePower team has identified key issues in the current green energy market and has been using blockzinciri technology and tokenization to solve these problems. The problems that he intends to solve in this way are; central owners or builders meet with consumers and investors on a global scale so that they can make a profit on both sides and realize each transfer and operation with the highest security, confidentiality and speed with blokzinciri technology.

b.Wepower token sale:

With the WePower tokens (WPR), it plans to make a rapid entry into the renewable energy market. All WPR token owners will be able to participate in all energy token sales through their tokens. And they will have priority in these sales.


Symbol: WPR

Total Token: Total value will be 35 million USD

Total Token on sale: 55%

SoftCap: 5 million

Price on time SofCap: 1 ETH = 1,250 WPR

Price after SoftCap: 1 ETH = 1000 WPR

Pre Sales Period: 1st February 2018

Sale Duration: 14 Days

4. Conclusion Wepower:

Wepower aims to change the world of green energy through the use of blockchain — based intelligent contracts. The platform brings together energy producers, energy consumers and energy infrastructure investors. Using a decentralized platform, Wepower makers it easier for all three parties to interact with open and fair market.

There’s already a working demo version of Wepower available online and the company has published an extensive with White Paper with technical detail. So, looking here for more about the Wepower project in the future.

For more information, you can review the links below:



