The Real Reason For Violence — Hatred

Harro Game_Studies
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Would you want to generate negative reviews in video game press on purpose?

Well, that could be an option to gain to attention and focus on a new video game or make a developer’s viewpoint known. Hatred as a clear example, is a disturbing mass killing game that was criticized for its violence, lack of variation and repetitiveness. With an “Adults Only” rating due to high level violence, it received mostly negative reviews when released and continues to be a topic of discussion.


Game box art depicting “The Antagonist” By Source, Fair use,


One of those reviews of Hatred is written by David Jenkins. It was posted at the game release time back in June 2015 on Metro. Have a look via this link:

David’s heading asks the question: “Is Hatred the most violent game on earth?” Well, that is debatable. However, David’s title certainly grabs the reader’s attention providing an immediate indication of what his review is about. He then labels the game controversial and desperate to shock. He discusses the justification for the intense violence and then proceeds to evaluate the game itself. He writes: “Hatred isn’t a very good video game”, then continues: “…but it’s not absolutely terrible either.” The violent content obviously attracts attention to this game initially, but as David points out, the game is infantile, almost funny, unimaginative and has no back story. Whilst basic and boring, he believes Hatred was relatively competently made. He provided a good overview of the game characters, structure and mechanics. While clearly giving his opinion and score of 3/10, he provides the reader with enough information to allow open minded discussion of the game.


A screenshot of the game play in Hatred. The Antagonist (center-right on screenshot) engaging a massacre. Credit: Hatred (video game)

A mass-murdering villain with no name or background known as “The Antagonist”, is the Hatred player character shooting humans in an isometric perspective amid dark scenes. A basic plot of death and destruction ultimately ends in the final mission of exploding a nuclear powerplant and destroying New York City and its population. Although gameplay and mechanics of Hatred were deserving of some positive commentary at release, it is predominately a destructive, extremely violent adult video game.

Destructive Creations developed the video game Hatred which they released in June 2015. According the Wikipedia: “The developer described Hatred as a reaction to video game aesthetic trends such as political correctness, politeness, vivid colour, and games as art.”

Perhaps it was simply the aim of the developer to buck current video game trends and grab attention.

Hatred is a noun describing the feeling of one who hates. The single word title seems appropriate for this intense and hostile game whether you like the game or not.

Have a look at the game trailer here:
Perhaps even try the game for yourself. What do you think?

Look out for my next video game blog.



I am a gaming student, who does not like lots of words!… so my blogs will be fairly short! However, I am passionate to share what I am learning about and what makes a great game. So, watch out and follow my weekly blogs as I investigate and analyse the exciting world and art form of video games.

END — Week 2 Weekly Blog

