Best way to teach writing to beginners — a step by step guide!

Harry James
3 min readJul 26, 2018


The ability to read and write or Literacy is the greatest gifts to give to any person. Although it will take lots of time and practice to master it, you will get countless opportunities to improve it over a lifetime. Here check out a step by step method of the best way to teach writing for beginners:

Step 1 — Start with every basic:

After teaching students 26 letters of English and formation of words, you can now move on to teach them writing. Therefore if you are worried about how to do it, let us tell you the fundamental things you can start with.

· Teach them that every sentence starts with a capital letter.

· The sentence ends with a period.

· The question ends with a question mark.

· When the pronoun or proper nouns are added, it will always use with capital letters like “I” “James” etc.

· A sentence contains with the basic subject, verb and other compliments like preposition and direct object.

· A basic sentence structure goes like this “Subject + Verb + complement.”

Step 2 — parts of speech:

The next most important thing to teach beginners is the part of speech and how it plays an essential part on forming the sentence structure. Since it is the foundation of the writing, teach it with details including definitions, examples, usage in sentences, exercise so that they can use it themselves as well as identification.

· Noun

· Verbs

· Adjectives

· Adverbs

Make sure that the student master it before going to the next step also their concepts are clear.

Step 3 — start with writing simple sentences, the best way to teach writing:

Once the students are done with very basics and parts of speech, you can take the next step and start them with writing simple and easy sentences. Also, make sure that you limit their choices so that they can begin with a better base. Here, you will see many repetitive sentences but never start with complex and compound sentences as it is not recommended at this stage or students with beginner writing level.

Now once the students are done with writing simple sentences with a couple of exercises, you can move towards the complicated task of joining the elements with conjunctions, compound verbs and subjects.

Step 4 — let them think and make basic sentences:

Now once the students are done with the basics, you can let them write small sentences with proper structure, few lines on your given topic or a short paragraph.

1. Write a few lines on:

· Describe yourself:

Give any topic related to the student’s likes, dislikes, school, friends, parents or anything you like. Now let them write a few sentences keeping in mind the rules and sentence structure. This way students will learn to write as a first person.

· Describe a person:

In this step, the student will learn more vocabulary and usage of different descriptive vocabulary. You can even give them various verbs to choose the narrow choices, usage of their physical appearance, physical attributes, and personality, as well as they will learn to use better adjectives and adverbs.

· Describe an object:

In this third exercise, students will learn to write about a thing and attribute related to it like its shape, color, texture, material and anything which describes it.

2. Comprehensions:

Well, many people may recommend writing from different exercises, but I usually start with comprehensions. Since many students have difficulties in writing the sentences from their own, you can give them a start from comprehensions. Here, you will give an easy paragraph to the students and some related questions below it. The students can find the answers from the paragraph and with slight changes, they can form the sentence and write it under the question.

3. Teach them the writing essentials:

Some writing essentials are must to teach the beginners as soon as they learn the basic sentence structures, which includes:

· paragraphs:

Start with small paragraphs consisting of few lines and gradually increase its length.

· essays:

The essays are used all along your life in various aspects that is why teach them how to write an essay properly.

· Letters and applications:

Teach them the structure and objective of letters and applications.

· stories:

Stories have a different mindset where you can be as creative as you want.

