Prevalence of Fissure Treatment in Ayurveda

Harry Cole
3 min readFeb 29, 2016


The sedentary lifestyle of people has led to the onset of many types of diseases and conditions tahta affects the human body. The drastic changes in the lives of the people which includes the poor dietary habits, no exercises, more sitting work, chronic constipation, etc results in various ano-rectal diseases including fissure, fistula and piles.

In simple terms, fissure is the tearing of the anal lining which results in intense pain, itching and bleeding. The condition occurs when you have a hard bowel movement and generally affects the anal midline. Constipation and unhygienic conditions will result in the beginning of fissures. Due to the hard movement of the bowels, a small tear occur thereby damaging anal tissue. There are many treatments available for fissures. Best doctors for Fissure often advice for the pain-free treatments and medications which are prescribed in ayurveda.

Being an ancient and traditional medical science, ayurveda offers healing practice exercised by many people and gurus. this ancient medical science help a lot in curing several diseases since ages. The ayurveda science is based on different mixtures which acts on the soaring and affected parts of the body, curing them from the root cause of the problem. These mixtures are made from many types of herbs, plants and various other naturally occurring substances. The whole ayurvedic science id based on the belief on the natural elements and the products that the mother earth has given us. There are several species of plants that possess various vitamins, minerals and some other ingredients which are used as the basic constituents of the ayurvedic medicines and concoctions. It is said that, these substances have the power to control and heal several diseases. And hence, ayurveda offers fissure treatment without surgery. The various ayurvedic medicines prescribed by the Best doctors for Fissure are made from roots, stems and leaves of various species of plants which help in removing the toxins from the body and involves the purification of the body; toxins in the body results in the improper functioning of the various parts of the body causing disorders like fissures.

The condition of fissures is very painful and due to the blood loss, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. The fissure treatment in ayurveda are completely safe, pure and offers highly effective drugs that helps in the cure of fissures.

Ayurcure is a leading center that offers non-surgical and pain-less treatments for various ano-rectal diseases and ailments including fissures, fistula and piles. The center uses traditional and time tested ayurvedic principles that are highly effective if administered as prescribed by the doctor. The doctors present in the center have have a huge knowledge of kshara-sutra principles and ayurvedic science and the prescriptions and medicines are completely based on these. With the huge knowledge and experience ayurveda, they offer effective solutions and treatments for all your Ano-Rectal diseases and problems.

