Published inTechnomancy15 Ideas and Moonshots to work on in 201915 topics that may just change the world.Dec 21, 20181Dec 21, 20181
Watch me learn and build interesting technology projects and do ML research, live!Over the past few months, I’ve constantly been thinking about an interesting idea. What if I was to live stream the hours that I spend…Oct 12, 2018Oct 12, 2018
Published inTechnomancyThe Secret to Mastering MLActually build things. I’ll show you where to begin.Sep 17, 20186Sep 17, 20186
Published inTechnomancyThe Blunt Guide to Mathematically Rigorous Machine LearningI recently wrote a brief guide on the Math required for Machine Learning. People liked it, and asked me to write one on how to master ML at…Aug 18, 20187Aug 18, 20187
The Math Required for Machine LearningFor the past year, I’ve been working on implementing well known model architectures and building web applications, so I have a fair amount…Aug 17, 20183Aug 17, 20183
Published inTechnomancyA 2 Minute Primer on Modern Deep LearningIn most cases, Deep Learning (DL) is really just an application of statistical methods to suss out patterns in data using neural network…Aug 13, 2018Aug 13, 2018
Published inTechnomancyReading ListI’ve been enormously fortunate to have stumbled across the reading lists of several brilliant folks, wherein they basically assemble books…Aug 13, 2018Aug 13, 2018
Published inTechnomancyA Humble Proposal: The Human Healthcare StackIt’s fairly well known that Modern Medicine has been built on a crumbling foundation: the periodic checkup. Health evaluations like this…Jul 31, 20181Jul 31, 20181
Published inModelDepotDeploy your own Cutting Edge Image Classification onto AWSMachine Learning forms the backbone of many interesting and powerful features in an amazing array of technology, and part of our mission…Jun 12, 2018Jun 12, 2018