Top 7 LeetCode Chrome Extensions you can’t miss

Harshit Raj
4 min readMay 13, 2023


Are you a passionate coder looking to level up your programming skills? Do you find yourself immersed in the world of LeetCode, seeking new challenges and honing your problem-solving abilities?

We’ve curated a list of the top six LeetCode Chrome extensions that are bound to revolutionize your coding experience. From enhancing productivity to providing video solutions and seamless coding integration, these extensions are a must-have for any aspiring developer.

1. LeetCode Enhancer

Are you tired of distractions while solving LeetCode problems? LeetCode Enhancer, a lightweight browser extension, is here to declutter your interface and allow you to focus solely on what matters: coding! By cleverly hiding unnecessary visual elements, this extension provides you with a clean and distraction-free workspace. Say goodbye to any unwanted interruptions and hello to a more productive coding journey.

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

2. LeetHub

Imagine effortlessly connecting your GitHub repository to your LeetCode account, automatically pushing your solutions whenever you conquer a LeetCode problem. That’s where LeetHub comes into play! This incredible extension synchronizes your coding triumphs with your GitHub profile, showcasing your skills to the world. With LeetHub, you can seamlessly manage and showcase your progress, making your coding journey even more rewarding.

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome.

3. LeetCode Video Solutions

Sometimes, the best way to tackle a coding challenge is by watching how others master it. With the LeetCode Video Solutions extension, you can now watch video tutorials directly on the problem page, without the need for endless YouTube searches. This handy tool offers a vast library of video solutions, enabling you to learn from experienced programmers and gain valuable insights into problem-solving strategies. Watch, learn, and conquer like a coding champion!

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

4. LeetCode VS Code Extension

Picture this: solving LeetCode problems right within your favorite code editor, Visual Studio Code. With the LeetCode VS Code Extension, this dream becomes a reality. Seamlessly integrating LeetCode into your coding environment, this extension optimizes your workflow and elevates your coding experience. Say goodbye to the back-and-forth switching between tabs and hello to a smooth, uninterrupted coding journey.

5. LeetCode Buddy

Coding is a personal endeavor, and with LeetCode Buddy, you can customize your LeetCode environment to match your preferences. This versatile extension allows you to take notes while coding, keeping track of your thought processes and ideas. Additionally, you can tailor LeetCode by showing or hiding valuable information like difficulty rates, acceptance rates, and more. Empower yourself with a personalized LeetCode experience!

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome.

6. LeetCode Reminder

Consistency is the key to success in any endeavor, and coding is no exception. The LeetCode Reminder extension is your dedicated practice companion, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to review and improve your skills. With friendly reminders, this extension nudges you to revisit and refine your problem-solving techniques, helping you stay sharp and reach new heights in your coding journey.

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome.

7. Leetcode Timer

Easily time your leetcode practice sessions with automatic time setting based on difficulty.

🔗 It’s available for Google Chrome.


Do tell me your experience of using one of these extensions and which one you found most useful in the comment section to help others.

Best of Luck!

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Harshit Raj

FullStack Web Developer | Competitive Programming | Open Source Contributor | Tech Content Writer | Game Developer Unity