WHERE Are We $pending Your Money?


Hartland Township
2 min readMay 31, 2017

Feels like a mystery, doesn’t it? Here’s the division of every $100 you pay in property taxes — and a breakdown of what Hartland Township actually receives from your payment. We also illustrate what we DO for our township residents with our piece of your Ben Franklin…

Hartland Township gets $3.84 to Govern?

Yep. Let’s break the $3.84 down so you can better understand how this portion of your property tax money is working for you and your Hartland community…

Ben Franklin famously wrote “In this world nothing can said to be certain, except death and taxes”; Hartland Township wants you to know that we understand that taxes are certainly not fun to pay — but that as a Hartland resident, you are getting a solid return for your hard-earned Benjamins.

STAY TUNED for PART TWO of “Where Are We $pending Your Money” next week, as we explore CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: What’s Ahead for Hartland Parks, Rec & Roads!


Looking for budget details? View the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Report.

Budget questions? Please contact Hartland’s Finance Director Susan Dryden-Hogan at sdryden@hartlandtwp.com or 810.632.7498.

