How Muhammad Ali Inspires Business People Today

Harvey Goldstein (Indonesia)
2 min readAug 22, 2018


After more than 40 years of dedicated service in Southeast Asia, Harvey Goldstein has contributed to the foreign business community in the region, especially in Indonesia and Singapore. Mr Harvey Goldstein had the distinct honor to receive Muhammad Ali in Jakarta Indonesia in 1996 and arranged his entire program including the meeting with President SUHARTO, Key Members on his Cabinet and many INDONESIAN citizens from all walks of life. As president of PT Harvest International Indonesia and managing director of Harvest International, Harvey Goldstein derives inspiration from boxing great Muhammad Ali. A recent article in explains Ali’s traits that are useful in business.

Aside from being one of the greatest of all time in the ring, the article notes, Ali contributed toward the success of many business executives through the examples he set. One of the goals of marketing is brand-building, and Ali created his own brand by being himself.

It was said that practice makes perfect. This was true of Ali, who earned his confidence by preparation and practice. A business executive who has spent the time to perfect his or her craft, service, or product gains confidence in facing competitors.

Ali had a clear vision. He knew what he wanted and strove to achieve it. A business executive with such vision for his or her company moves in that direction one step at a time, never content with the status quo.

But Ali knew how to “fail forward.” He was defeated many times inside the ring, and each time, he bounced back as a better fighter. An effective business executive knows that setbacks will come, but views each setback as an opportunity to get better, and when back to fighting form, can throw the “knockout punch” to every competitor.



Harvey Goldstein (Indonesia)

Harvey Goldstein Indonesia expanded his business activities to include a managing director role with Business Link Consultancy, PTE, Ltd.