3 Reasons Why FOOD Is The National Anthem Of Cyberspace…

3 min readNov 7, 2018


“Arise oh compatriot foood!” Here are 3 reasons why we at cyberspace absolutely LOVE food… especially when its free!!

We know what you are thinking- “ah ah izzit not food again!?” Well, for us here it is not oh! Food is not simply just stuff that people eat when they are hungry; Food to us, is awesome, delicious, inventive, colorful, inspiring, and so much more… little wonder why we took out time to do this list…

  1. Every day Free Lunch: For most people who work here, our love story with Cyberspace got solidified by just one (1) simple line “we also give free breakfast and lunch everyday!” Yes, of course the package is good and everything just right- but nothing puts that extra icing on the cake than the beautiful feeling that takes over your soul when ‘food’ and ‘free’are mentioned in the same sentence- damn, there just isn’t any other thing greater than food!
How we enter canteen when we know Mohamed is on duty!

2. Food Brings Us Together: “Ehn, did somebori say food?” There just cannot be any event here at Cyberspace, even if its just a normal training or a town hall meeting- without small chops, chicken pie or something light to snack on and that always, always unites us faster than the speed of light! Oya shake body!

3. Jollof Rice Gingers Our Creativity: Who needs a motivational speaker when you have a monumental ginger called JOLLOF rice! Can we get an amen?? With a good bowl of canteen food, lets just say even Albert Einstein wouldn’t have anything on our creativity once its 2pm!

If you know, you know!

With these few points of ours, we hope we have been able to convince you why food- despite the whole joke of being our National Anthem here at cyberspace, is just a extra mile the company takes beyond the ordinary to ensure our bellies are round and happy- and why food is always the fastest way to our heart!…


