What You Need To Know Before Considering Testosterone Replacement Therapy

James M. Ward
4 min readFeb 17, 2017


Testosterone replacement therapy is designed to help salvage the decline that people — especially men — experience in their testosterone level. Record has it that there is a perceivable decline in the T- level of a man from the age of 30. This accounts for low sex drive in some men while other men express constant fatigue, depressed mood and hot flashes.

A diagnosis with low testosterone is neither the end of the world nor a sentence to a totally eroded sexual ability. With testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it seems it is the dawn of a new day for those suffering from low testosterone (LT) level.

Though this therapy brings hope to those suffering from LT, there are certain things to know before considering a TRT:

#1. There are different methods of administering the testosterone therapy.

There are different methods of restoring the testosterone level in the body which you can choose from. These methods include injections, gels, cream etc. Knowing the different methods to choose from and how each method works will save you the embarrassment and shock that might accompany an exposure to these methods.

The injection method is known to be the most effective mode of administration as it creates a more natural flow of testosterone. Also, testosterone injections are known to boost the male libido and help build muscles which will improve your outlook as a man.

Although gels too are effective, they aren’t as effective as the injections, and they come with some restrictions that may be challenging to you. For instance, gels are to be used on freshly showered body and you should not swim or work up sweats until after an hour of its application. This is to allow your body to absorb it properly. Knowing this, will help you make an informed decision about the best method for you.

#2. TRT may inhibit child bearing.

There is a need for you to weigh the specific risks that undergoing a TRT may put you in — part of which is the inability for you to bear children. Though TRT is known to boost libido, it however may put you at the risk of not being able to father a child. This is because the therapy could result in reduced sperm production and could also affect your semen production.

It is a general knowledge that the quality of the semen determines — to a large extent — the possibility of fertilization of an egg to take place. If you haven’t fathered a child and it is your desire to raise a family or your family isn’t complete yet, you may need to delay your commencement of the therapy.

In this case, you can ask your doctor to recommend any male testosterone supplements as a temporary alternative.

#3. The therapy can cause Polycythemia

This condition is when there is an over-production of the red blood cells in an individual’s system. The body functions well with a normal production of the red blood cells which makes it possible for the blood to flow freely enough for easy movement of nutrients and other materials round the body.

However, an over-production of red blood cells makes the blood becomes thickened. The thickening of the blood prevents it from flowing freely and from carrying the needed nutrients to the specific parts of the body.

Polycythemia could result in heart attack or stroke. How could something so good be at the same time fatal? Well, that is why it is crucial for you know the pros and cons of TRT before considering it.

#4. TRT could have both physical and physiological side effects.

TRT is capable of making acne break out on you. This acne could be from mild to severe and may permanently affect your look as well as your self-image.

Another life changing effect of TRT that has been recognized is gynecostamia. Gynecostamia is the enlargement of the breast tissues in males. This may adversely affect your relationships and life in general.

Also, the therapy could lead to frequent or difficulty in passing out urine. Frequent urination may interfere with your normal life and prevent you from getting the adequate sleep that your body deserves.

Prostate enlargement is another side effect that you need to be aware of before considering a testosterone replacement therapy. Though it has been refuted over and over, it is believed that testosterone replacement therapy could result in prostate cancer. It has however been validated that TRT worsens prostate cancer.

Before you make up your mind to go for a TRT, you need to weigh its benefits and its side effects.

