8 min readJul 24, 2022


The definitive answer is MAYBE.

I know anon. Here I go again with a smart-ass answer to a question that frankly you don’t understand anyway.

The reality is hardly any of you even know how to define anarchy without a browser. And even if you did, you would probably take the first thing that pops up and just go with it.

Truthfully, the definition of anarchy and what constitutes such a condition or a movement has been the subject of philosophical, political and religious debate for centuries. Evidence of anarchist principles pre-date written history. Nobody has been able to pin it down, so don’t hop on that soap box and preach– you will look foolish.

Some of the tenets are violent. Some are aggressive. However, many are not, where some see order-less social existence as a peaceful way to flourish and experience life without rule or law.

For the purpose of this article, I will carve out one particular facet of anarchist sentiment so that you don’t all get so overwhelmed with philosophical paradox that everyone just gives up and tells me I’m a spin doctor that doesn’t know a damned thing about it.


If you are an Anti-Statist, you want a government that does not govern. You want autonomy. You want no hierarchy. You want absolute equality. You also want decentralization. Ooh…finally a word you think you understand (but really don’t).


But are you willing to do your part? I seriously doubt it.

Here’s the rub. Most of you are selfish, egocentric, single cells that couldn’t wipe your own ass and need someone there to do it for you. Hell, you don’t even want to learn– you just want it done. Because you are lazy.

If that’s you, you aren’t Anti-Statist. You are the simplest form of a privileged idiot.

If that’s you, you are a TAKER draining the system and the collective.

For those that feel they are different, keep reading. Those still in diapers, get off at the next stop.

No…better yet…just jump off now.

Self-governance takes discipline, and that’s why the answer to the question in the title is almost impossible to answer. Especially with the majority being idiots in charge of themselves.

If the inmates are gonna run the asylum anon, a lot will be required. The words “responsibility,” “obligation,” “contribution,” and “maturity” come to mind.

Well, that’s that. We’re fucked.

Why, throughout history, anarchist movements have failed, been overthrown by governments & elites, or are otherwise cast aside is quite easy to understand. Greed, ego, and self-centrism govern the pleb from within, and what is necessary for survival is oblivious to them.

The very thing they are fighting becomes irresistible for them to manifest within themselves.

Game over.

Ok. What the hell does this have to do with crypto?

$ANARCHY is a tokenized attempt to start a Movement. This project has liquidity locked for 100 years, no tax, and a renounced contract.

What the people do with it is up to them.

A couple cool things have popped up, like a website, a community TG, providing liquidity to help $TSUKA, a sister coin $CHAOS that’s been “officially” adopted, and a general sense by its community that “enough is enough” with middle fingers raised at the system.

The Movement is still a bit undefined because it’s brand new, and it will take time for all of the community members to come together as a collective to achieve their goals.

But first they have to decide what those goals are right?


I will say that the $ANARCHY Movement has an opportunity to be enormous. But I will also humbly say that the collective might be doing it wrong.

Here’s how I would do it.

I’d start by keeping this ratio in mind. One percent.

Yes plebs, percentages are ratios– used to determine the value of a portion relative to the whole.

Moving on.

This is how I would define the Movement:


You see, if I were going to start a revolution, fight something much bigger than myself, and start a war against something that has mass adoption, I MUST be absolutely sure that those in my corner are actually in my corner. And the only way to find out is to provide to others the one thing they could not possibly be willing to part with in this cesspool of a world in which we currently live.


Wait. I know we’re fucked, but let me finish.

You say you want to be part of the Movement? Ok. But you must contribute to the Movement. Your involvement must present something better than a zero-sum outcome for the collective.

You must give more than you receive until an equilibrium is reached where the ecosystem is balanced, and the collective has equal footing and opportunity.

Every time someone takes more than they give, the Movement is tipped off of its “peg.” It’s up to the collective to cast out the Taker, and get back to a balanced system.

“How the hell do we do that?”

Great question.

Individual responsibility and obligation is required in a lawless, ruler-less, and autonomous society in order for that society to have any chance of survival.

Recognition and subsequent reward can balance the system providing sustainability and survivable conditions for the Movement.

The collective must “contribute to the contributors” each and every time something is done to improve the environment in which they wish to exist.

This is where “One Percent” comes into conversation.

Every time someone from the community does something to improve the well-being of the collective, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to reward them with 1% of your holdings of $ANARCHY.

Crazy right?

Want to get it back? Do something positive for the Movement, dumbass. That’s how you get it back. Probably 50-fold if you do some math and contribute something solid.

Flip the script. Givers now receive, while the Takers receive nothing.

The following is where I differ with respect to the way the project is currently functioning. There doesn’t need to be a single vote to do it. Use your moral compass and conscience to determine the value of every contribution, and if you deem it worthy, you have an obligation to that individual to reward them.

DAOs are essentially democratic, unless they are corrupt. Anarchists don’t want democracy. They are Anti-Statist remember? So get rid of the notion that a DAO is a good thing. Not for you. Not anymore. You’ve evolved. You can take care of yourself and those around you without a vote now. It’s intrinsic now. It’s instinctual now.

Game theory in action.

What’s beneficial to the Movement happens to be what is also beneficial to the individual.

Equilibrium is achieved.

Here’s an example of the cycle:

$crooge is a madman on a mission to see this through. He has committed his reputation, his time, and his own capital to spark the Movement.

There are 595 holders at the time of this writing. EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Holders, IMO, should see this as valuable and send him 1% of their wallet.

But that’s not how it works right? Each individual is guided by their moral compass and conscience. Decide for yourself if this contribution is worthy, and act accordingly.

Now…$crooge is responsible to monitor others as well. Imagine that he sees that someone built a way to track every $ANARCHY wallet and makes it easy for people to spot the Takers, so they can be subsequently cast out and black-listed at every turn because they are pieces of shit that do nothing for the Movement or the Collective.

This tracking also shows the Givers that recognize the obligation to reward Contributors. These are the good guys anon.

That’d be a pretty big deal, right?

$crooge fires 1% of his entire bag to that individual. And so do many others that see the value.

See what’s happening? The velocity of the $ANARCHY currency that is flowing to the contributors is increasing, while the Takers have nothing incoming organically. They have to try to swing trade their way to glory in this environment. Now, they are the ones that are fucked.

The protocol becomes sustainable without a DAO, without an Owner, without a Government, without any strict rules except one:

One Percent.

And it’s not even that strict. See something good and positive but not life-changing? Fine…toss them 0.25% or whatever you think is equitable for the work they have done for you.

Most of you will think this ideology is impossible to implement, makes no sense, and just want “number go up” results for not doing a damn thing.

My response to you is this:

Don’t EVER send me your wallet address.

But whoever built the website, wrote the last Medium, set up the TG, and any others that have contributed, find a way to provide me with verifiable proof of your contribution, and send your addy my way. I thank you for making this environment better for me, and 1% will be sent your way.

That includes you $crooge…

Imagine what this might look like if 500 of the $ANARCHY holders saw value as well.

Like what I’ve contributed here? DM me for my address.

And the cycle continues…so go do something anon. Add something positive to the Movement.

Now we are getting somewhere…without being governed to do so.

Anarchy is sometimes the exact opposite of what one sees in their mind’s eye.

